Broken Locks

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As time went on, Apollo began to notice more and more strange behavior from Klavier. He would skip meals, avoid showing skin, act less eccentric during trials, and just generally act himself. This concerned Apollo, as Klavier would never usually act like this. The Klavier he knew was confident, flirty, and wasn't afraid to show off. This Klavier however, was self-conscious, secretive, and kept to himself. One day, Apollo noticed that Klavier was having a hard time focusing during the trial, so afterward he offered Klavier a protein bar, but Klavier declined. "Thank you, Herr Forehead, but I must decline, I'm still full from lunch." Apollo's bracelet tightened. 'What? Why would Klavier lie about that?' Apollo needed to know. "Klavier, can I talk to you? Privately?" "Sure, Herr Forehead, I'll drive you to my office." "Okay, just let me call Mr. Wright real quick." Apollo called Phoenix, and informed him that he was going to be at Klavier's office.
The whole time Apollo was on Klavier's motorcycle, he had an absolute death grip on the guy. Even through his fear however, Apollo swore he could feel Klavier's ribs through his clothes. "We're here, Herr Forehead, you can let go of me now." "Oh, sorry. I just kinda freak out when riding motorcycles." "It's okay, many people are the same way, I understand. Let's go now." They took the Elevator up to Klavier's office, and walked in. "Okay, Klavier, I know you lied to me earlier." "What are you talking about? I'm still full from lunch." Apollo forgot he had borrowed Phoenix's Magatama for this trial, and he remembered this fact when five large Psyche Locks appeared in front of Klavier. 'Uh-oh, this is the first time I've seen this many Psyche Locks. Let's hope I can do this on my own.' "I have proof that you're trying to hide something from me, Klavier, and I can also prove you didn't eating lunch."
"O-oh? How so?" "Earlier today, I came here to talk to you, but I found that you weren't here, so I decided to do some investigating, and while I was investigating, I found no food scraps in the garbage, and I can not think of a reason as to why you would rather go out to eat."
'One Psyche Lock down, four to go.'
"S-so? So what if I skipped lunch? I just wasn't hungry." Klavier's stomach chose then to growl. "...You sure about that?"
'There goes two more. Just two Psyche Locks left.'
"So! You still don't have a motive! You don't know about my personal life!" "Personal life? this...

Because of your brother, Kristoph?"




Klavier fell to his knees and burst into tears. Apollo knelt beside him, and attempted to comfort Klavier as best as he could. "ALL I WANT IS APPROVAL!! TO BE THIN AND BEAUTIFUL!!"

To Be Continued...

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