~Chapter 2~

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     "Tha...Thank you, Dragions." She said. "Oh please." Maja said. She looked at the rest of us. "Why don't we introduce ourselves, Dragions?"

"Sure, why not? To start off... Hi Ashley, I'm Christa. Christa Merca." Christa gave a huge grin.

"I'm Patrick. Patrick Talion."

"Maja. Maja Jules."

"Gabie. Gabie Arval. You can call me Gab though."

They all turned to look at me.

"And this is your Savior. Andrew Freyl." Maja introduced me.

"Umm.. you're seniors right?" Ashley moved uncomfortably.

The ambulance came to a stop. "Yes we are." I replied. The medics opened the door and pulled Ashley out. We followed.


"She fractured her left leg, dislocated her right knee cap." the doctor explained. Ashley cried. "W...why don't you call your parents, Ashley?" Maja tried to comfort her. She took her phone from her pocket and phoned her mom.

"M...mom?" Ashley stuttered, in between sobs. "Ash? What's wrong?"

Ashley took a long time to reply. She looked at us. We smiled at her reassuringly. "I... I broke my legs, Mom."


Ashley gulped. "Are you in the hospital? Where?"

"I am, Mom. I'm at Chansel Hospital."


"Ash! Oh, Ash. What happened, sweetie?" her mother asked. Ashley stayed silent. "Are you Ash's friends? Can you tell me what happened?"

We looked at Ashley. She nodded. "Ask her Savior." Christa elbowed me. I sighed.

"Well, the whole school was getting ready for the school fest. Actually, we didn't know Ashley. But when they were carrying metal bars for their stall, it fell over, and landed on her." I explained.

"So you saved my sweetie?" Mrs. Crystal held my shoulders. "Um... Mrs. Crystal?" She let go. "Oh dear... I'm sorry. Anyway, thank you for saving Ash. Is there anyway I could show my gratitude to you?"


"I know. You can thank him by coming to our school fest and watch our performance!" Christa laughed.

"Great idea, young woman!" Ms. Crystal faced Maja, then to the rest of us.  "Are you the whole band?"


The nurse opened the door, bringing a wheelchair in. Followed by a few more nurses. They placed the wheelchair on the bedside, then left.

"Well, the band should go home now." Gabie pointed at his watch. "It's past six."


"I'm home, Mom." I tossed my bag to the sofa. "Andrew! Charlotte came by and left a jar of cookies on your bedside table!" My mother shouted.

"Hmm... she did give me cookies." I mumbled. I picked the jar up and saw a tag dangling from the neck of the jar.

' Goodluck on your performance! I'll be watching!

                         -Charlotte Brent ' 

I chuckled. I opened it and took a cookie. Choco chip. I thought. I placed it down and lay on my bed.


I took my phone from my pocket. The call was from Patrick.


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