~Chapter 10~

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Sir Craig was scribbling on the chalkboard some words not even related to history. I mean, its history, not music.

"And then the Pop Danthology-"

~Bell Ring~

"Times up. Goodbye class. Your homework is written on the board." He pointed at the leftmost side of the board. "Oh, and welcome back Ms. Merca."

Christa just smiled. Yes, she's back. Patrick came to my seat and sat beside me.

"Ah... did you learn anything about history?" he said before grabbing his wallet. I shook my head and chuckled.

"Let's go to the gang already!!" Christa's broad grin greeted us. We nodded.


"Christa!!!" Charlotte's eyes rounded and she jumped to hug Christa.

"Lotte!!" They bear hugged and started jumping.

I looked at Gab, and his jaw was slightly dropped.

"Gab." I said to make his gaze break. He looked at me with a confused face.

"What?" He said, putting his gaze back to Christa. I sat beside him, while the rest are occupied with Christa.

"Tell me Gab, do you like Christa?" I asked, a hint of amusement in my voice. It seemed like I have hit the jackpot because Gab looked at me like I was from a mental hospital.

"Wha-" He stopped, then sighed."I don't know how you get to know things you're not supposed to." He shook his head while I chuckled.

"Let's buy already. I'm famished." Maja said to us. We nodded.

I ordered a pastry called "Double Trouble", a Choco-dipped donut, and a Peppermint Frappe.

"Your 'Sweet Tooth' is active." Patrick whispered. I rolled my eyes.

He ordered Tamago Sushi, Green Tea and a Camembert Soufflè. I squinted my eyes at him.


"Japanese." was all I said and went back to the table.

He stared at me while the rest of the gang chuckled.


"Good Aftie class." Sir Oaken greeted.

We went back to our respective seats.

"Do you remember what I said yesterday? Well, here she is."

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