~Chapter 13~

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"Andrew, tell me!" Christa said as we walked through our school corridor.

"Look Christa. The School Fest's gonna be tomorrow. We. Have. To. Practice." I said, emphasizing the last 4 words. Feeling defeat, she fell silent and pouted.


"Oh geez. I'm so nervous!" Maja said, calming her self. Yup, it was the school fest. But we had 10 hours before the big performance. We decided to roam around.

1st hour, 8:00 - 9:00 am

The first stall we went to to was the horror house. For some weird reason, 2 girls of the gang clinged to me. Charlotte and Maja. Christa was so energetic beside Gab, who's sweating like hell. Patrick passed though, saying that he doesn't want to hear screaming humanoids. What a wimp.

As we entered, Christa's energetic aura started to slowly fade. And it totally disappeared when a ghost from under a shelf held her ankle with a cold hand.

Christa froze and screamed "Ahhhh!!!!" then hugged Gab's arm. Though that started a chain reaction. When Christa hugged Gab's arm, he screamed.

"Ahhhhhh!" he exclaimed. No body movements. Then Charlotte screamed, followed by Maja.

We reached the end and I think was deaf. The girls plus Gab were shivering in fear. While Patrick, he was laughing out loud.

"Oh...my..Jesus!" He continued laughing. "Look at.. your faces! I can... hardly breathe." I rolled my eyes at him.

We went to food stalls to calm us down. We bought crepès at Nyan Nyan Crepès.

While the girls were focused on eating their crepès, Gab had an awful plan up his sleeve. My worst nightmare, the roller coaster.

"Hey Christa," Gab started.

"Hm?" Christa looked up.

"Wanna ride the roller coaster?" He continued with a wicked grin plastered in his face.

With a bit of processing and Gab's telepathic powers, she finally got the plan.

"Sure! Wait, why don't we bring the rest of the gang in?" She said with the same wicked grin.

Maja and Charlotte heard this and got the plan too.

"Sure!" Maja looked at Patrick.

"But isn't that- Ow!!" He exclaimed after Maja pinched him.

"Help! Somebody please!" I exclaimed at the top of my lungs.

"Oh, come on Andrew! It'll be fun!" Christa said, looking straight forward.

"Fun?! Are you kidding me? Help! These weird people are going to torture me!" I shouted, digging my heels onto the ground.

Students passing by stared at us weirdly, but moved on.

We reached the line and I think I'm going to die. This one was called 'Starburst'. Horrible loops and really high drops.

"Please take your seats and wear your seatbelts and safety locks. Please allow our employees assist you." The operator said through his mic.

"Yay!! Let's go!" Charlotte cheered.

We started slow, up a medium sized hill. I tried not to look but, I'm going to faint and it's not even the one that goes 'Starburst' or something. After the drop, there will be two continuous loops, each we'll be stopping on the top. Then a really stooped siderail.

After the ride, I placed my head on the table, trying not to puke. The gang laughed and laughed at me. I'm so done.

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