Chapter One

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Welcome back!

I've miss you guys! I know, it hasn't been that long. That break I wanted never came, because, well, when the words are coming, best just go with it! 

That being said, I'm still not QUITE done with the story. I think I have 3 chapters left. Plenty to share before you catch up to me. 

If you haven't read the first or second book, I suggest it, otherwise you will be lost immediately. 

Okay, that done, let me say this. There are a couple of the sexy scenes that are... different. Nothing too bad, just outside of what is considered normal. But, normal is different for different people, so... *shrugs* I will put a warning at the top of those two chapters, so you can go in with your hand over your eyes until you decide to skip it or not. 

This book is very bittersweet for me. The characters are very much alive in my mind and I love them all so very much. If I post melancholy at the beginning of some chapters, please feel free to ignore me. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoy!



P.S. Last thing, I swear.  THIS IS NOT EVEN CLOSE TO BEING EDITED. I try to make sure it's not a complete train-wreck before I post, but, this is NOT the final copy. Once I make sure that I don't have to make any changed in book two, I will edit that one then this one. 


EDIT TO ADD: A WHOLE FRIGGING SCENE!!! How in the hell did I miss that???


"I don't give a shit what the prophecy says, Naiel. It's my body. When I'm ready to have a child, then I'll find a way. And I guarantee it won't be because of that piece of tree telling me to do it!" Eve argued for the thousandth time, knowing it wasn't going to help matters. In the five days since Cora had interrupted them, ironically stopping the act that might have produced the baby, she had yelled and screamed, thrown fit after fit and nothing seemed to phase Naiel. "Kornae sure as hell doesn't want to be a daddy. He hardly ever looks at me now, much less is alone with me. It takes two to tango and he ain't dancing. And I will not hook up with anyone else. Not for you, not for the court, not for anything."

Naiel closed his eyes and leaned his head back. "It doesn't have to be right now, Eve. But I feel like time is running out."

Eve frowned. She hated it when he brought up time, because there never seemed to be enough of it. Since she branded Fallon with that very mark, she could feel it as well. Sometimes the feeling of sand running through her hand was strong enough to make her look, certain she would see pale yellow and brown flecks sticking to her skin.

"That's not fair and you know it." She was proud of the way her voice stayed low when all she wanted to do was scream obscenities.

"I didn't write the blasted thing." Naiel opened his eyes and Eve almost jumped back at the look in his eyes. Did she go to far? "Do you think I wanted any of this for you? You are the daughter of one who gave everything to faerie. You have also given so much, including her, to this place. But it's not over and I feel... I know the worst is yet to come."

Eve knew it was childish, but she threw her hands over her ears. "I can't right now, Naiel. I can't hear it. I can't know about it." She turned her back, not letting him see a tear escape her suddenly wet eyes. "Can we heal first? I mean, fuck. We got the shit beat out of us less than two months ago, some of us damn near died," she flinched at the memory of Kornae coming so close to sacrificing himself.

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