Chapter Seven

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"Holy shit," was the first thing she heard and she couldn't agree more. Around her came other voices offering their support of Fallon's explosive declaration.

She cracked an eyelid, staring up at the stunned faces around her. "Did anyone get the insurance of that bomb?" she groaned, slowly sitting up from where she lay on the table. Her side throbbed but that discomfort went away as she went to push her hair out of her face. Bright red caught her eyes and she stared at the lines on her palm. A large red circle surrounded eight small swirls, each spiraling in a different direction. The hangover from the explosion combined with the directional confusion left her dizzy.

"How could this happen?" The soft question had her turning, taking a breath at the wave of nausea that washed over her. Stupid magic.

"Magic." She watched as Kornae touched his own set of lines.

"It's not so bad," Gabe said. "Well, once you get over the 'what the hell' aspect, it's not so bad."

Eve turned back to him, slower because reasons, and gave him a smile. "Don't forget the near death experience." He laughed at that. A rich sound that she cherished.

"Can you take it off?" The sound of ice hit her and she flinched, a violent thing that had Micah's mark warming her other hand.

Easing off the table, she met his eyes. Winter watched her and she could burn just as cold. Enough was enough.

"Of course I can," she said, slowly moving up to him. "But I won't. Faerie marked you for a reason, Kornae, and as the Unseelie King, I expect you to put away what ever issue you have with me and do your job."

Winter turned arctic. "I've never, on my own, failed to do what was right by the land."

Seems she struck a nerve. "Then do what I did, King. Learn to compartmentalize."

He stood tall and took the only half a step left between them. "I could give you lessons." His voice was a growl and the fine hairs on her neck stood at attention.

The intensity, always that intensity. She narrowed her eyes and licked her lips. His faltered for a second before once more staring into her soul. She made her voice as low as his. "If you want it gone, do it yourself. I have kinks, but self-harm isn't one of them."

Their eyes clashed and she could feel the rage in him. Why was that the only thing she could seem to get out of him? It wasn't always that way. He said he liked her, once upon a time. Said he would give her the time she needed to love him. Sighing, she gave up first. She dropped her eyes and turned her back to him. She found a chair and let she shaking legs drop her onto the seat.

She wouldn't look at him again. Couldn't. "I know you're about to walk away, because thats what you do. But while you're still there, trying to figure out the best way to kill me, I need you to re-hire the magic guy. And I want training in fighting." She looked up then. "I won't be helpless again."

Frozen eyes warmed slightly. "Yes, my Queen."

He turned and did what she said he would do. He walked away.

There was silence for a long moment before Fallon shattered it.

"Did you all feel that?" He burst out laughing. "That was the very definition of 'fuck or fight'. I mean... shit."

Eve lay her head back and closed her eyes. "I'm tired of fighting."

"But you two are so good at it." A chuckle. "I thought something was going to fly, either fists, magic, or clothing."

She couldn't help but smile as the door opened again. She looked up as Naiel walked in.

"It's done," he said with a smile. "A none-to-happy Kornae informed me. Did faerie really choose him?"

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