Not a chapter, but the biggest thank you of all

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Don't hate me. 

Please don't hate me. 

It hurt me to write. And I freaking cried.

For those of you that have stuck through all three messy books, I can't give you enough thanks. I owe you my heart. Unfortunately, I still need it in my body. But, consider it yours. 

This whole story has brought me so many emotions and if you made it this far, I imagine there was something you enjoyed about it as well. I can only hope <3 

This is also the first series I've completed. And saying good bye is a helluva lot harder then I imagined it would be. 

WHICH brings me to this.... 

I said that I had some questions for you guys, if you don't mind answering them.  With the discovery that her father (the one not trying to kill her, sort of) is an old god, would a separate series, same characters, but different story lines be something you are interested in? I'm just kicking around ideas because I DON'T want to say goodbye, lol. 

I've also considered writing separate novellas for all the guys, including Kornae AND Rosewen, though, I can't exactly call her a guy, but whatever. I didn't have the ability to go into their backstories in-depth, because info dump is a no-no in writing, lol.  The stories would end at the time they met Eve, so, it wouldn't be a re-telling. Basically, just what they all went through up till that point. And I can promise you, the person you think has the saddest story, doesn't. 

Again, would that be something that interested you?

Also, I just read back over the last book and I will be adding a few more night time scenes. I didn't realize, during the heat of writing, how much took place during the daytime hours. Stupid summer.

Thank you all again, from the bottom of my, now your, heart. 


If you want, find me on Twitter at @StephanieYarns. I'm also on Discord at  I would love to say hi!


EDIT TO ADD: Bound by Destiny is now available for pre-order on Amazon! The release date is set for October 30. If you would like a copy of your very own, I would appreciate it. 

I WILL NOT be taking these books from Wattpad however. I will continue to edit them as well. I understand that a lot of my readers might have the means to purchase the books and You guys were here from the beginning. I love you all. That being said, I might not have as much time to invest right away to editing and uploading chapters while I'm getting others ready for publication.

The tentative release date for Bound by Desire is set for February 14. Yes, Valentines Day! <3

Thank you all again from the bottom to the top of my soul! 


Edit again to add: Bound by Desire is now available for pre-order through Amazon! It'll go live on February 14! I might be screaming!!!  Devotion should be available June 30. Thanks for the support, guys! I love you all so much!! (Yes, I know how to use other punctuation marks, I'm just really excited :D )

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