Chapter Sixteen

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Their feet continued to march up the side of the mountain and two more days passed. Her and Kornae's canteens dried up at one point but it didn't matter. They were almost there. They still had no idea what was waiting at the top, but Eve was okay with it. The gods wouldn't fail her. They helped her conceive a child through basically dream sex, Kornae told her he loved her and the rest could fuck off.

Those things wouldn't matter it she was supposed to die, right?

She couldn't imagine any prophecy ending with the pregnant woman dying along with her unborn babe after a reluctant father finally admitted his feelings.

The ground leveled off and she stopped in her tracks.

The jutting spears of ice. The jagged edges of a valley that surrounded that ice. This was it. This was what she saw in the vision.

And despite her big thoughts, her mouth went dry.

"We're here," she breathed out.

"What next?" Fallon asked and she didn't know how to answer. So she didn't try.

The ice called to her. Even over the thundering heartbeat. "We find that beating thing and send a sharp point object into it? Can that be next?" Her vampire laughed and everything would be okay.

Only... it wasn't.

She stepped up beside one of the jagged pieces of white, so stark against the gray skies, it was almost blinding. Despite her yelling at herself, don't touch, she couldn't help but to reach out and run her fingers along the deadly ice.

The amount of power in that touch knocked her on her ass. Kornae and Sebastian were at her side, lifting her to her feet when a voice exploded across the mountain top.

"You came, just like she said you would."



Who in the hell would have given them up? Coralia? The vamp bitten spy that had been captured?

Who in the fuck was 'she'?

Eve didn't know that many 'she's' that could do what the man, Fae, thing standing in the middle of them all would do. Unless...


It almost made sense. But, at the same time, none. But it didn't matter now, did it? The bad guy was standing over the true king's prison and they were supposed to jail break him. Somehow.

Eve waited, watching the Fae that appeared out of nowhere. One moment he wasn't there and the next he was and the power spike that came with him... holy shit. Her skin crawled in an instinctive desire to call her own. A feeling that she had to fight so hard.

His liquid silver eyes met hers and he laughed.

"You have no idea what you walked into, child. And that is so sweet."

He threw his hand to the side and it was like her lovers weren't there, Micah, Gabe, and Gideon's bodies tumbling across the rocky surface. Fallon, Sebastian, and Alex went after him and she screamed as once again, they were flung off like a minor irritant.

"You have struggled so hard, so long. Come such a long way. But you should have simply died. Nothing would have changed. But now, you're here. And do you hear that beating? That is your heartbeat, making me stronger."

Wait... what?

"How?" she asked as Kornae grabbed her arm, trying to pull her behind him.


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