Chapter Six

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Eve sat beside Cora as she slept.

If she could have helped her, she would have, but she was exhausted. The healers did a good job. The line across her throat barely noticeable. It would be gone later. Because Fae didn't scar.

Except for one.

She held that pale hand and some of the cold inside her went away. No matter what happened, she saved her friend.

While she sat with Cora, she pushed thoughts around in her mind until she could compartmentalize them. She had plans to make and mourning a love that never happened wasn't part of it.

She would continue to visit the areas outside of town, only at a different time. Problem solved. Re-hire the magical instructor. Done. Find someone to train her in hand to hand and with weapons. Check. She would be damned if she would be helpless without magic again. She sat up with a jerk.

It was astounding how her world changed so quickly. How not long ago she didn't even believe in it. Now, she used it all the time, often without thinking about it. She lived in a place that was different for everything she ever knew. She was dying to love a Fae. And she was a Queen.

She gave a soft laugh, trying to not wake the patient beside her. She failed.

Fingers squeezed hers and she looked down into violet eyes. "She would be so proud of you."

"Shh," Eve said with a smile. "I'm trying."

"And doing rather well."

"I have a very good friend helping me." Eve smiled at Cora.

"It's only fair. This is twice now, isn't it."

"I'm not counting."

"You look tired. Tired but determined." Cora's eyes appraised her

"I could do without the tired part."

"You should get some rest."

"Says the patient."

Cora's lips curved and she could see why her mother fell in love with the woman. She was kindness personified.

"In all seriousness, I just planned out my days for the foreseeable future. I'm going to be a busy queen."

"Don't forget to make time for pleasure."

Eve laughed, Kornae shoved to a corner so far away that she could pretend she didn't feel him.

"That's number one on my list. I feel like I've been neglecting my men. Time to make amends."

Cora's eyes grew drowsy. "Get some rest, Eve. Duglas will be here in a little to help watch over me."

Eve stood and pressed her lips to her forehead. "You rest too."

Standing, she let her feet take her to her lover's lair. 


She didn't knock. He wouldn't mind. She eased the door open and she remembered the last time she found him laying on his back with the sheet riding low. How she wanted to dive into him. While she was too tired for that now, it was definitely on her to-do list.

She undressed as quietly as she could, taking off the warrior cloths that Kornae brought her, only the be mad when she did what she had to do, she turned and found dark brown eyes traveling her body. She gave a soft laugh. "Don't look at me like that," she said. "I'm too tired."

He held out his arms and she melted into his embrace as he turned her and she lay her head on her favorite place, letting the thud of his heart sooth her heart and she fell into a deep sleep.

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