Chapter Fifteen

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*Ahem* My apologies... 

After two long days, she couldn't be more ready. The heartbeat aside, the itch beneath her skin was going to drive her mad. The desire to put closure to the prophecy filling her every thought.

Then finally, they were on the road, full canteens and while they didn't have anything left by way of food, they would make it. Sheer determination would make sure of that. They drew closer to the mountain and the sound of the heartbeat was almost unbearable now. She had to wonder if it was the king's, as he lay trapped in massive magical ice. She also had to wonder why they simply didn't kill him.

Was he like Naida? Only capable of being trapped unless everything lined up exactly right? Was that why it was hurry up then wait?

So many questions invaded her mind as they reached the start of the path up, the path that would end in his freedom or their death. A freedom they still had no idea how to grant. But she had to have hope. Prophecy wouldn't have them come all the way out here to die, right?


Something that she couldn't take lightly as she remembered all the times it seemed like it was over. Something happened to keep them going. She simply had to put her faith in something would help them at the end.

A day passed and they trudged up the side of that monstrosity of a mountain. Another and still they marched.

And why couldn't they fly?

"It's almost over," Sebastian said, taking her hand, helping her over a outcropping of stones that severed the path.

She shot him a smile of thanks. "Not soon enough. The things I would give for a hot bath and a soft bed."

He grinned at her. "With company?"

"Of course." She laughed before a blast of shadow hit the ground between them. The force knocked her into the side of the rocks and her head spun.

What in the...

Gideon stood in front of her, using his body to shield her, but she had to see. Had to know Sebastian was okay. She twisted within his arms and looked over her shoulder. She could see him, slowly getting to his feet. Another gray sphere headed toward him but as she yelled out her warning, green flew from Kornae to meet it. The two colors clashed as her vampire looked up and noticed what was going on. .

He turned to find her protected and her breath caught in her throat. He was hurt. Bad.

Blood ran in streams from where his flesh had been ripped from his body. She held her hand out to him, as he was hit again. He didn't move.

She screamed, fighting Gideon, biting and clawing to get away, to get to her love. "Gideon, let me go! I can heal him!"

"You can't,"


Gideon's arms wrapped around her and held her tight, so impossibly tight and Eve's world stopped. Why didn't he move? He was old. Strong.

Kornae stood in the middle of the path, firing green into the sky and she looked up as the Fae on the flying lizard landed.

"Daine," Kornae said as he held onto his magic. Wait. Observe. The same thing he told them to do with Naida. Was this man that strong? He had to be. Sebastian was old...

Where were her other vampires?

She took a deep breath and tried to blink the tears out of her eyes. Focus. Bury her heartache. As she slowly gathered herself, she could see Sebastian's arm move slightly. He was alive! Now, for the others.

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