Fluffy Imagine Babysitting with Chris (itsjasminaye)

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Jasmin's pov

So my mum has decided that I should babysit for extra money as I need some for the trip to paris. I told her I would do it. Im now on my way to my neighbours house to babysit their little girl, Amelia, I think she's about two years old. The only thing is that their son Chris will be there and I hardly know him even though we've been neighbours since I was born. They dont trust him to look after her by himself so they called my mum to see if I would help. I'm now walking upcto the door and thinking of how awkward it's going to be, see I am really awkward and uncomfortable around people I dont know. God he's going to think i'm such a wierdo, oh well i've already knocked on the door. His mum opened the door. "Oh, Jasmin come in." She's a really nice lady. "Ok so Chris is out with some friends but he'll be back in about two hours, so around half eight. We will be back at 1 mabey 2. Emergency numbers are on the kitchen table and everything you need is in the kitchen too. Help your self to the food and if you're going to the shop her pram is in the kubby hall. Well we need to go. Movies are on the self  if you want to watch them and tv remotes are on the table. So have fun and maake sure Chris doesn't do anything stupid, I know you'll be fine but him.... *sigh* Well bye be safe." Then she left. I went up to Amelia's room to see if she was awake. She was, she was standing there staring at me with her arms help up indicating she wanted up. I picked her up and brought her downstairs. She crawled over to the dvds and pointed at the Disney films. I picked The little mermaid. I put it in the dvd player and pushed play.

*2 hours later*

Its now eight and I just put Amelia to bed. I decided to watch The vampire diaries. I got through half an episode when the front door opened. I assumed it was Chris and I was right. He walked into the living room "Hey you're Jasmin right?" he asked. "Yeah. That's me." "Vampire diaries. Really?" He then laughed. "Yes the vampire diaries its an amazing show and nearly all the guys who talk in it are fit. So yeah." I sassily replied. "Ok then, I'll watch this AMAZING SHOW and see if it's really as AMAZING as you say it is." he then sat down and started watching it. 


Its now one and true to his word he did watch the vampire diaries we just finished season 3. "So did you find it amazing." I asked. "Yeah it was good. Oh and that Caroline yeah she's good." He said "So you going to watch more of it then?" I asked. "Only if you come around tomorrow and watch it with me cause we're like TVD Best Friends Forever." I started laughing so hard. "Ok deal here's my number text me when you want me to come." I typed my number into his phone. Then the front door opened andhis parents walked in. "Ahh I see you and Chris got along." His mum said. "Oh yeah and she's coming over tomorrow to watch season four of the vampire diaries with me cause we are now Best friends." Chris told her. His mum and dad just laughed. "Ok, Jasmin here's £20 for looking after Amelia, Chris walk her home." "Thank you for the money and i'll see you tomorrow I guess?" I got up with Chris following me and he walked me home.

I honestly cant wait for tomorrow.

Well Jasminn there's your imagine I hope you enjoyed it. Remember to vote. Thanks.

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