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{i've been noticing how long these imagines are, and I'm pretty sure imagines are supposed to be short, so, should I try to make these shorter or are you guys fine with my imagines being kind of lengthy}

"Oh my god! Y/n I can't breathe!"

"Jesus Eddie calm the fuck down you spaz!"

"Calm? CALM?! We're trapped in a fucking closet how the fuck can I be calm?!" Eddie  said taking a breath from his inhaler.

How did you get in this situation? Well I'll tell you. It all started when you came into school, slightly earlier than usual. You were at your locker getting books, and putting things away, when you noticed your friend Eddie Kaspbrak down the hall. You smiled to yourself and were about to wave at him, when seemingly out of nowhere, Henry Bowers pushed Eddie into a locker. You gasped and watched in horror as Henry took Poor Eddie's inhaler. You really really didn't want to have to confront them, but no one else seemed to care so you took a breath, closed your locker and walked over there. 

"h-hey leave him alone bowers!" You said trying to sound brave

Henry looked down at you and a look of amusement came upon his face,

"oh yea, and what are you going to do if I don't?" Bowers asked.

Your eyes darted over to Eddie was staring at you wide eyed, but quickly darted them back to Bowers. You didn't know what to do, so in a split second decision you kicked Henry as hard as you could in the shin causing him to drop Eddie's inhaler and grabbed onto his shin. You swiped it off the floor and grabbed Eddie's wrist and ran off the opposite direction, with Henry yelling after you guys. While you were running you noticed a door with a key in it and quickly went over  to the door, opened it and took the key out  and closed the door behind you. Thus bringing you back to the present,

"Oh my god! Y/n I can't breathe!"

"Jesus Eddie calm the fuck down you spaz!"

"Calm? CALM?! We're trapped in a fucking closet how the fuck can I be calm?!" Eddie said taking a breath from his inhaler.

"Sh SH SH! I think I hear something!" You said covering Eddies mouth with your hand.

You pulled Eddie close to the corner away from the light of the door and held him close to you so you guys wouldn't be seen. A few minutes later you could hear someone walking up the janitor closet door.  Eddie was breathing wildly under you hand and almost screamed when the door handled moved, but luckily the door was locked, so in a  matter of minutes Henry walked down the hall. Once you were sure Henry was gone you uncovered his mouth. Eddie immediately moved away from you and said,

"God y/n do you know how unsanitary that was?!"

You shook your head and said,

"Hey, at least we didn't get our cover blown because of your screaming."

Eddie rolled his eyes at you and took a puff from his inhaler. He looked so fucking adorable, so in that moment, you could stop the words from coming out,

"Hey Eddie, since I just like saved your life, would you maybe...I don't know...go out with me sometime?"

Eddie stared at you wide eyes and your face heated up,

"l-like a date?"

"uh yea?" You said unsure of yourself

"Uh sure...I didn't know you were into me like that..."

"Yea...like, you're a pretty cool person I guess...like uh...You don't have to if you don't want to-"

"no no, I can like uh totally go!" Eddie said cutting you off.

He took another puff from his inhaler. There was an awkward silence looming over you two. After a while of glancing at one another, you cleared your throat and say,

"Well I guess we should get out of here..."

"uh right!" Eddie agrees.

When you open the door you were met face to face with Richie,

"Well there you guys are, me and the other losers have been looking all over for you, and why the fuck were you in the closet?? Eddie were you getting it on with y/n???" Richie said

Eddie rolled his eyes and walked out of the closet, 

"How about you shut the fuck up toizer."

You blushed a bit and got out the closet too. Richie was babbling about nonsense and you and Eddie were trailing close behind him. While Richie was talking Eddie grabbed your hand and interlocked your fingers with his. You looked at him and he looked at you, and you two smiled at each other. This would be the beginning of something beautiful.

725~ Word count

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