Mike x Reader

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You had just gotten out of school and were ready to walk home. Being a popular girl at school was exhausting, and you just wanted to be alone for the rest of the day. While you were walking home you just happened to look across the street, and you saw a boy. And he was one hell of an attractive boy. You couldn't help but stare at him as he carried some packages into an alley. You couldn't help but stare at him as you walked down the street. You would have stared at him all day if you could have, but unfortunately, you bumped into a pole. You immediately looked at the pole, and then, look back to where the boy was, but he was gone. You were confused, but none the less walked home. The night you didn't get any sleep and decided the next day you would try and find him again.

After school was over you were excited to see the boy again, and you did see him again, this time you saw where, he disappeared to, he had went inside this building with the packages, and then he rode home, which is when you would decide to walk the rest of the way to your house. This became a daily thing for you, until one day you decided to see where he lived. Was it a little creepy? well yes, but what he didn't know wouldn't kill him right? ANyways you followed him as carefully as you could all the way to this farm. You stayed hidden, and ended up watch him do outside work, it was honestly hot.  This became the thing you would do, after school everyday after school you would stalk the boy. You asked around at school, and found out he was a homesechooled farm boy who' parents died in a fire, which made sense why you never saw him at  school.One day you did your usual stalking, but things went a little different...

You were following him home, when all of a sudden, you lost him. You had no idea where he went, so you decided to just walk the rest of the way to his house and see if he was there, and if he wasn't you'd just go home. When you reached his house, you didn't see him and scanned the field but still didn't spot him, so you sighed and turned around to go home, but when did you turn around there he was, and was even more glorious up close,

"Why have you been stalking me?" He asked suspiciously, 

your eyes widened and you blushed,

"Oh uh this is gonna sound really weird, but hi, I'm y/n and I think you're really cute, so I've been like watching you...You're Mike right?"

He raised his eyebrows but his eyes had astonishment on them. That was the start of something new.

478~ Word count

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