Ben x Reader

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You were new in Derry and ever since you had gotten there you hadn't made a single friend. Everyone had their own little cliques and friend group and anytime you tried to make a friend they didn't really like you or you didn't really like them. You hand kind of gotten used to being the outcast of the school, and you didn't bother to try and stand out anymore, all you wanted to do was just...stay out of the way. One day you had a project for your history class and got the topic of worst incidents in world history. You couldn't really say you were excited about this, but it was Definetly better than having a topic like, the history of Derry or something. Anyhow, when school was over, you decided that you'd head to the library since you didn't really have anything else to do, plus you could as do your other homework and get started on your project. You sat at a table that was a couple feet away from the librarian's desk. Once you were all situated you began doing your homework, when you finished it, you went to the librarian's desk and asked where the book you needed for your project was. After you had gotten it, you returned to the table where you were sitting at before, but were shocked to see another boy sitting there, completely enthralled in a book. As you walked closer to your table you noticed that he was ready a book about the history of Derry, this made you intrigued, but you definitely weren't curious to talk to the boy. once you reached your table you began to gather your things quietly, but you didn't do it quietly enough because the boy looked up from his book and said,

"Oh I'm sorry, I wasn't sure if anyone was sitting here..."

You stared at him, He was the most adorable boy you'd ever laid eyes, on. You could feel your face heat up the longer you stared at him. The boy's face of worry turned into a confusion,

"uh? you okay."

You immediately snapped out of your trace and replied,

"oh uh yea! and don't worry about the table there's plenty of room for the both of us." You say tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. 

You immediately plopped back down in the seat across from him,

"Hi I'm Y/n." You said extending your hand to him

"Ben." He says taking it.


"I can't believe I haven't notice you, and you've been sitting behind me in History the whole time! How come you never said anything?!" You asked with curiosity and excitement

"Well...I kind of didn't know how to...It's kind of hard from me to make new friends..."

"Me too," You say, "Look at us, a couple of new kids with no friends."

"Do you think we could be friends?" 

You look up at him and blush immensely,

"uh y-yea t-totally! that would be awesome!" You say happily

He smiles at you, 


494~ Word Count

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