Beverly x Reader

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As soon as you walked into school everyone eyes were on you, and not in a good way. You weren't the prettiest girl at school and you definitely weren't the most popular, so it was never a good thing when people stared at you. You just couldn't figure out why everyone was staring at you and it made you anxious. As you were walking down the hall and it was evident that people were snickering and laughing at you, You kept your head down and just told yourself that it was all in your head and no one was really paying attention to you, but when you passed by Gretta and her group of friends their eyes followed you and they snickered. Gretta blew a bubble and popped it then said,

"hey {-insert mean girl nick name-} You got a little something on you pants."

The girls Gretta were with tried to hide their laughter and Gretta smirked at you while you turned you head back to look at the back of your pants. Your eyes widened and you gasped when you saw a large red stain on your pants, your White pants. The girls in Greta's group couldn't hold it in any longer and busted out laughing at you, which caused everyone else in the hall to laugh and point a you. Your eyes welded up with tears and you ran away crying all the way to the bathroom. You slammed open the door startling a girl sitting on the window ledge smoking a cigarette. She muttered swears to herself because you made her drop her cigarette in her lap, but you didn't care you ran into the closest stall and locked yourself in it dropping to the floor and pulling your knees to your chest, and you sobbed, not caring who heard you. You were already the school loser, surely things would only get worse from then on. You wanted to crawl into a hole and die. While you were crying the was a soft knock on your stall door. Through you sobs you yelled out,


"Uh, actually no, You seem pretty upset, I just wanted to see if you're okay?" a female voice said from the other side of the door. 

You stopped crying and sniffed before saying,

"I-I'm fine."

"you didn't seem fine, seeing as how you stormed in here, scaring the living shit out of me, and then started crying. so you wanna talk about it?"

"I got publicly humiliated in front of the whole school! everyone laughed at me...I have no one will want to talk to me ever again, and it's all my Period's fault!" You shouted angrily.

"Wow...Sounds like you could use a friend...I'm Beverly Marsh..."

Your eyes widened, as you've heard the rumors. She was an outcast like you. You wiped your face with your sleeve and smiled,

"I'm y/n"

"Hey y/n how about we ditch school, and go hang out instead, to take your mind off of school."

Your face slightly heated up, and you smiled, and got up off the floor to open the stall door. Once you did you were met with her warmhearted smile. She holds out her hand to you and you take it.

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