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"What do you want?" Jon snaps. Stoping her in her tracks.

"I just wanted to congratulate you and i wanted to meet my baby girls brother" she said smiling swertly at the both of you.

"Well you are not welcome" you snap at her

"Leave lindsey!!!"jon shouts

"Okay baby daddy" she says walking to the door. Tears start forming in your eyes. He follows her out you can hear them shouting in the hallway.


"What the hell do you think you are doing showing up like that!!" You yell barely holding your temper.

"Just wanted to remind you that you will be in here again soon."

"Lindsey i dont even know if that child is mine fuck you could have fucked anyone and its theres not mine"

"Are you calling me a slut"

"Yes i am"

"Wow jon real cool"

"Hey you cheated on me whos to say its not their kid and you just want my money"

"How do you know she just doesnt want your money"

"I know she doesnt i trust her way more then i ever trusted u"

"You dont even know if hes urs"

"As a matter of fact i do, now leave"

"What about my baby"

"My lawyers will contact you"


"Leave before i have you thrown out"

She turns around without another word and you cant help but remmeber the face stacy made when she mentioned the baby.


Jon comes in looking worn out.


"Hey baby"

"You okay" he nods

"Are you?"

'I am"

"Im ready to take you home and know your safe there"

"Me too but i know once we leave here ill only have you for a few hours before you have to leave." You hold your hand out and he takes it he kisses your knuckles.

"You have no idea how much i love you and our son"

"I love you jonathan"

You lean down and give her a long kiss.

"Lets get ready for this photo shoot" he says knowing that the photographer will be in in a few.

You have a little knit hockey outfit jons mom made the baby and a little monkey one your mom made him and finally a little owl one you found on etsy. Jon and you take pictures together then its your turn with just the baby. After you its jons and you can def tell he loves his son just by the look in his eyes. He looks so tiny in jons hands but then again he was a 6 pound 8 onze baby boy. When the photographer is done she leaves and jon orders some food to be deliver. The rest of his and your family shows up to meet him but all too soon its over and they leave.

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