chapter 24

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Its valentines day and you and kayden are staying in a hotel for the last couple of days. jon hasnt talk to you since you left. its almost 1 when someone knocks on your door you look through the hole on your door and all you see are roses you open it.

'hello' you open it

'hey' you hear that familiar voice. You can help but feel a lump in your throat.

"Hey" you whisper and step back as he comes in.

"Happy valentines day" he says setting the flowers down on the little table.

"Happy valentines day Jon"

"How's my son"

"Good" you say as you watch him walk over to where kayden is sleeping. You watch him kiss him on the forehead.

"I miss you guys" he whispers

"Jon don't" you say sitting on the bed. He kneels in front of you.

"Stacy I miss you"


"You can't say you don't miss me"

"Jon I do but.."

"But what?"

"Jon I can't take the risk of anything happening to you because of me!"

"Look it's my choice" he says putting his finger underneath your chin and liftin your face to look at him. "Please don't let him win"


"Stacy listen I love you and I need you in my life I'm going crazy not being with you and kayden!"

"Jon..." Before you can say anything else he puts his hands on either side of your head and pulls you to him he kisses you softly at first and getting needier after a couple heart beats. You can't help it and give in you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer he gets up and pushes you back
on to the bed laying on top of you.

"I love you Stacy" he waits a bit

"I love you too" he relaxes and kisses you again this time with a greater need. He lays on top of you, and you love the feeling of his weight on you. You slowly run your hands down his arms
and then down his back and stop at his waist where you untuck his shirt and run your hands up his naked back pulling his shirt up he breaks the kiss to quickly take his shirt off then he goes back to kissing you, he slowly kisses your lips then your chin and then your neck sucking on it hard and then he trails kisses down to your collar bone and the tops of your boobs he lifts you and takes your shirt off and then lays you in the bed and gets up and takes off your jeans.

"I like this" he says noticing that you are not wearing any underwear. He takes his shoes and socks off and then unbuckles his jeans. He picks you up an lays you on the pillows covering you with the blanket and then gets in next to you. "I love you Stacy"

"And I live you Jon"

"Do you really?"

"Yes with all my heart"

"Ah I've never felt like this before babe I thought I was in love before but I never felt like this before I would do anything for up and our son babe"

"I know Jon" you say getting up and getting on top of him. He puts his hands on your waist as he watches you. "I missed you so much"

"Me too" he says and quickly gets up an before you know it your the one under him. And he's kissing you hard he unclips your bra and throws it on the floor he runs his thumb on your nipple and you can feel it all the way to between your legs and you can't help but wiggle in his arms he stops kissing you and stars sucking on your nipples and you feel so good he knows how to turn you on. You close your eyes to feel everything better then he pries your legs open, and sticks a finger inside you "oh baby I love how ready you are for me and just me"

"Yes just you baby" you say between moans

"Yes all mine" he says kneeling between your legs. "All mine" he says as he slowly penetrates you. You cry out from the pleasure that only he can make you feel he moves slowly and then lays on you kissing you catching your loans in his mouth after a couple strokes he moves faster and faster pounding into you and soon enough your on the edge about to hit your climax when he goes fast you cum loudly and he follows. Spilling his seed inside you. He gets of and lays nex to you pulling you. To him you rest your head on his chest. You both doze off and you wake up you look at him and he's just starring at you.

"How long have you been watching me"

"Long enough"

"That's not creepy at all"

"Haha sorry you look so beautiful when you're asleep"

"Oh so I don't look beautiful when I'm awake"

"you look beautiful all the time lol"

"That's better" you say leaning I've and kissing him, he bites your lip as you pull away.

"I love you babe"

"I know Jon, and I love you

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