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"It could be but idk Stacy we don't know that for sure"

"I know Jon"

"We'll let's call the cops up and file a restraining order against mike "


Once you file the order and get everything done its 10.

"Let's head to bed babe"Jon says taking your hand and leading you upstairs to your room. Kayden has already been put to bed. "Come here" he leads you into the closet and takes both it bra and shirt off and puts one of his plain white tshirts on you he helps you out of your pants and boots then he picks you up and lays you on the bed he covers you up then he takes his clothes off completely leaving just his boxers on. He gets into bed with you and pulls you close you lay your head on his chest and just listen to his strong heart beat.

"I love you Stacy"

"I love you too babe, more than you know"

" I love you more especially because you helped me make kayden" you giggle.

"Yes my son is amazing"

"That he is"

"So I have practice tomorrow"

"I know"

"And your coming with me"

"What why"

"Your not staying here alone Stacy"

"I'll be fine"



"No Stacy your not staying here alone and that's that!" He says angrily

"Okay" you whisper.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you I just can't leave you here babe"

"I know, but I can always go out for breakfast with .chaunette"


You quickly text her up and make plans

"There you go I won't be alone"

"Okay then" he says smiling "lets go to bed" he turns the lights off and pulls you closer to him his front to your back. He kisses your neck "goodnight love of my life"

"Awe baby goodnight" and like that you drift off.


After breakfast with chaunette you head over to her and Shaws place. After practice the boys show up.

"Hey baby" Jon says putting his arm around your waist

"Hi" you say giving him a kiss.

"So chaunette you can do me that favor that I asked for right" Jon asks her.

"Most def I'd love too" you look up at him and give him a quizzical look. Then at shaw he winks at you what are these men up too.

"Sweet! Well let's go babe. My mom and dad are coming into town so we gotta go pick em up at the airport."

"Oh they here for the big game tomorrow" shaw asks


"We'll you know we gotta win then"

"We better" Jon says taking kayden from chaunnete and puttin him in his car seat. "Alright guys we gotta go chau ill text you later with the details"

"Okay sounds good" she says walking you guys to the door.

"What was that about" you say when your in the car

"Oh something" he says looking at u and smiling.

"Your not going to tell me are you?"

"Nope" he says putting his hand on your knee.

You get to the airport and his parents are already standing outside waiting you both get out and hug them they get in the back with kayden obviously admiring him. While Jon puts the luggage in the back.

When you get home they settle into the guest room next to kaydens room. They volunteered to get up with kayden during the night.


At the game you sit next to Jon's parents he got the 3 of you glass seats and kaydens there too supporting daddy of course with his little earmuffs lol. Jon Skates up to the glass a couple times during warm ups and waves at kayden to smiles at him. Such a smart boy. Andree takes pictures of course. The hawks are playing the blues tonight so it's going to be an intense game. The hawks are leading by 1 in the 3rd period when Jon gets boarded by oshie and has to leave the game. You leave kayden with Bryan and Andree as you rush to the locker room. When you get there he's getting locked at and asked questions they are making sure he didn't get a concussion.

"Hey babe" he says when he's finally done.

"Hey yourself" you say looking at him thanking god he's okay. "What's the verdict?"

"I'm good they just don't want to put me back in trying to be safe an such" he sounds mad.

"Good I like you safe" you say stepping closer to him.

"I guess wish I was back on the ice" he says looking towards the door

"I know baby but its so you can play in future games"

"That's right" he pulls you to him and bends way down to kiss you lol since he's so tall. And his skates make him a bit taller. "We'll ima get dressed"

"Okay I gotta go check on kayden ill see you in a bit" you kiss him and walk out the door. As your walking past an empty room you hear his voice.

"I see your still fucking pretty boy!" He says stepping out of the shadows.

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