Chapter 6: Hostility

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;;w;; I am back- Omg- I'm so sorry I just updated this- On the other hand I should update my other stories, but yeah! Here's the long awaited Chapter 6! Thank you for the 900+ reads and 31 votes! ^w^ Though, I would be taking a break from Special Chapters to be able to focus on the main storyline, but I'll drop one in every now and then. But hey~ Let's get on to the next chappie~! Enjoy~!

Chapter 6: Hostiliy

Shirayuki hurriedly went to her locker to gather her books, before closing it and seeing a confused Iwaizumi about two meters away from her. She silently shrugged, this position and situation was what they usually do everyday by walking each other to class. Was. Shirayuki turned to the opposite direction to where he was and started walking.

"Shira-chan!" A voice called out, turning around, Shirayuki saw a blonde male, in like terms with a petite doll, or what his name in her contacts was, he was a perfect dress up doll, Chiharu Yen.

"Yen-kun!" Shirayuki smiled, walking up to him, forgetting about the confused Iwaizumi in the background.

"Not walking to class with Hajimeme today?" Yen spoke, slightly pissing off the male in the background at which Shirayuki gave a 'hmph' in reply.

"Not today, not ever again it seems." Shirayuki answered, at this Yen tilted his head, leaning in to get a close up of Shirayuki's facial expression.

"Wha- What is it Yen-kun?" Shirayuki asked, moving slightly back from her friend, Yen smiled and giggled slightly.

"Was that a look of longing Shira-chan? Do you like Hajimeme?" Yen winked at her at which her eyes widened a bit before an instant reply came out of her mouth-


"Ah, that's too bad." Yen teased the man behind slightly, closing his eyes.

"Unusual you're not with Tooru though~" Shirayuki sang, her eyes closed, before opening them to peak at the now steaming red dress up doll.

"Don't forget to change in the girl's room, today, too. Wouldn't want that accident repeating now, do you?" Shirayuki giggled.

"Shi-Shira-chan!" Yen protested clutching his skirt, Shirayuki just giggled.

"Now you know what it feels like to be teased~!" Shirayuki states as she does the double v sign with her hands, smiling brightly at Yen. Yen sweat dropped while looking at his friend.

"You always tease me tho-" Yen says as they laugh lightly together, this was fun, even if Yen was a boy and half the whole volleyball club doesn't know that, doing stuff with Yen makes Shirayuki happy- he is after all, her closest friend- Next to Shoyo- And Iwaizumi.

"Hey, Yen-kun wanna try up this dress? I had a new design lately and-" Shirayuki spoke but was cut off by a squeal of girls, the two students turned around, Shirayuki's face disheartened while a blush quickly rose to Yen's cheeks.

"Yenny-chan...!~" Oikawa called, walking towards him with a wave of fangirls following him from behind. Shirayuki, who is obviously sick of this cycle everyday, placed a hand on Yen's shoulder.

"Ne, I'm up for a marathon today- See you in class~!" Shirayuki waves as she dashes to the classroom, Yen opened his mouth and protested- Well he tried.

"Wait Shira-cha-" Until he got cut off by the grand king himself.

"Hey Yenny-chan~!" Oikawa grins as he wraps his arms around Yen, causing him to blush steaming red. Shirayuki took some pictures before going to the classroom.

As she was always early, and she didn't feel like attending volleyball practice. She'd get scolded for it later, taking out her phone, she immediately clicked on Nishinoya's contact number. It was hard for her, standing there for 10 minutes debating whether to call him or not.

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