Chapter 2

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When I woke up it took me a minute to remember what had happened. I sat up quickly and saw a woman sitting across from the bed.

"Hi," she said "my name is Ann, I am sure that you are very confused. But let me assure you, you're in good hands"

I nodded.

"How long was I asleep?"

"We took you on Tuesday night and it is Thursday morning now. We were on a spaceship and are now on a plane, we are on our way to the SGC... never mind. We will talk later, let's go get something to eat. I will answer any questions you have after you eat and wash"

She took my hand and led me to a dining room.

I ate until I was full and then Ann took me to a bathroom and helped me take a bath. The water was so hot and fun. I hadn't taken a bath since my adoptive parents left me. I didn't have any other clothes to wear so I wore what I came with.

We went to the room I woke in, I sat on the bed and Ann on the chair in front of me. Then started the questions.

"Who are my parents? Where are we? Why am I here? How did you find me? Who are you? What is the SGC-"

"-Wait, wait. Take it slow, one question at a time, but first, what is your name?"

"I don't have one"

"Didn't your adoptive parents give you a name?"

"Yes, Lisa, but I don't want it, they left me"

"I know, so how should we call you?"

I thought for a moment, Emma wasn't my name, Chris and Jake only gave me it because I didn't tell them anything. I wanted something else, something not tainted by the fact that I was left on the street. I wanted something happy, and then I said "Chris"

"Why Chris?" Ann asked.

"He was my first real family, he and his brother helped me when I was alone."

"We are sorry that we had to take you away from them, you are too special to be alone in the world, we had to take you."

"What do you mean special?"

"Well you do know about your powers, I assume you've used them before."


"Ok, Chris, what is your first question?"

"Who are my parents?" I asked, "why did they leave me?"

"I can't answer the first question, but for the second, I think it was for your safety, you would have been in too much danger them"

"And on the doorstep of strangers was safer?"


"Ok," I said, disappointed "who are you? What is the SGC?"

"The SGC stands for the 'School for Gifted Children'" she said

"There are more kids like me?" I asked in wonderment

"Of course, there are hundreds more"

"Do any of them have powers like mine?" I asked, maybe they could tell me more about them or if they are somehow connected to my parents.

She hesitated but then said "I am sorry, no. You're the first kid that we have found that has this kind of powers or intelligence" 

"What intelligence?"

"Well, for example, you know what intelligence is and you're six years old. Or the fact that you taught yourself to walk and talk and use your own powers, I have never seen a kid that can do that"

I never thought of that, even Chris and his brother were surprised by that fact, they didn't even imagine that I was three years old, they thought I was a short six-year-old. I never put much thought to talking or walking, it seemed ideal to me that I can do it, my adoptive parents could, why couldn't I? As for my powers, they just came naturally, without really trying.

"Chris?" Ann's voice cut my thoughts "are you ok?"

"Yes," I said "just thinking"

"Ok" she looked worried "do you have any more questions?"

"Yes, " I said "how did you find me? Where is the SGC?"

"Well, we found you by talking to people on the streets, it was pretty hard. Our headmaster had known you were somewhere on earth -"

"Wait so that means we are somewhere that isn't earth now?" I asked.

"The school is on Betony, it's a planet, not earth. When we'll get there you will understand everything, there are more planets than earth."

"Wow" I said.

 "Anyway, we heard you were somewhere in this city but didn't know where. At first, we went to your adoptive parents, they didn't help us much. So we started looking around the city, some people told us about a group of children sleeps next to the shelter. They showed us where do you sleep. We waited around until you came with the brothers and fell asleep. And as for where the SGC is, you can just look out the window"

So I did, it was amazing. There were trees and lakes everywhere, and in the middle were four vintage buildings, around them were five gardens and infinite areas of grass, the whole place was surrounded by a giant green hedge.

"Where are we?"

"This is SGC in Alder state, of Betony," Ann said

"It is beautiful! How did you find this place?"

"It took some time but the principal wanted the perfect place and she found it"

Suddenly a young man came into the room.

"Sorry to burst in," he said "I just wanted to say we will be landing soon"

"Thank you, Drew," said Ann, then she turned to me "Chris, I want you to meet our pilot, Drew"

"Hi," I said and reached out to shake his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Chris," he said

"But if you are here, who is landing the plane?"

"Don't worry, Drew is one of the students here, he has Tlknizs powers"

"You are a student?" I asked surprised "but you're not a kid. Kids go to school."

"The school is not only for kids, it started that way but kids grow up. Our oldest students are 26" said Ann


We landed half an hour later at the school gates, there waited five people, an old lady, a man, a woman and two teenagers, a girl, and a boy.

The old lady opened her arms and said "welcome to the SGC!"  

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