Chapter 3

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The school was amazing! As we walked through it I saw many kids and teens all around, using their powers, playing in the gardens or even just sitting in the campus and talking. There were so many kids with all kinds of powers. There was a girl who put her hands in the dirt and beautiful flowers grew from it, two other kids were playing with a ball without even touching it and more. The principal's office was very special. It was round and the walls were made of glass. You could see the whole school from here.

"Sit down sweetie," said the old lady "my name is principal Brandany, but you can call me Miss. Brandany"

I sat down and looked around the room, it was decorated in a sort of a vintage way, but not all of it, there was some modern stuff here and there.

"So I hear you have named yourself Chris, any special reason?"

"If you know my name, you know why I picked it. Ann must have told you everything"

We just sat there for a minute, as she studied me and I looked around the room, it was very pretty, the desk was made of dark wood and had an old lamp side lamp on it. The chair I was sitting on was covered with a silky cloth that had flowers on it. At the side of the room there was a giant bookcase full books of all colors and sizes.

"Ok, so here is what we will do. John and Lily will show you around the school and then will take you to your new room" she pointed at the two teens that were standing at the door "as you can see, you will be living here with all of the students. The dorms are co-living and you will have a roommate your age. You will learn in the 4-7 class, you will learn regular classes such as math, science, and English. And also how to control your powers. Now off you go. We will talk again later."


"Hi," said John "we are here to give a tour of the school, would you like to start in the gardens or the building?"

"I think she needs some fresh air John," said Lily " she looks rattled"

I nodded and followed them out.

The gardens were beautiful, each one was different. As John explained. The first garden was a fruit and vegetable garden.

"Our 'green thumbs' practice in the gardens" Lily said

"Where are they now?" I asked looking around

"They are all in class"

The second garden was a garden of flowers, there were flowers of all kinds, different scents, colors, and shapes.

John picked two red roses and gave one to me and one to Lily. She giggled and took it from him. 

At the corner of the garden, I saw a kid about seven struggling to carry two buckets of water. I went up to him and offered to help.

"What can you do?" he teased "you are like four!"

"Dean!" John said, scolding the boy. The boy turned around and left, still struggling with the buckets. With a flick of my finger, all the water jumped from one of the buckets and poured down on the boy.

He turned around and looked at me, very angry. Lily put her hand on my shoulder and led me out of that garden. John stifled a laugh.

We started the tour of the first building, the classrooms. It was a four-story building and on each floor were 10 classrooms.

"How many students are there here?" I asked

"We opened this year with 967 students," said John. There were 24 students in each classroom. 

The second building was smaller. It was the gym. It had a running ring, two climbing ropes, a grid made of wood you could also climb. 

The third building was the smallest, the dining room. There were tables scattered over the room, for two, three, four and five. At the edge of the room, there was a buffa where they served the food.

The fourth building was the biggest, it was an eight-story high sleeping dorm. On every floor were 62 rooms with two beds in each, there was room for 992 students here.

"Your room is 49E," said Lily, "a fifth-floor room."

We got the elevator and went up to the fifth floor, we walked a bit in an empty hallway and got to a door on which was written Daphne and blank.

"Here is your room," said John and opened the door.

The room was plain but cozy, the two halves of the room were copies of each other, except on one side there was personal stuff on the shelves and pink sheets on the bed. The other side was white, nothing personal, only white.

"I don't have any clothes to wear except these" I said.

"Don't worry," Lily said "we will check for clothes in the 'lost and found' and ask from other girls to give you some clothes that they don't wear. Do you have any color preferences?"

"I don't care about the color and the size, just that it will be comfortable and not pink, I hate pink. My adoptive parents always dressed me in pink, and I hated it"

"I will see what can I do," Lily said and looked at her watch "school day has ended, so you can go out and talk to the other students"

"Ok," I said and left, down the elevator and out to the yard.

I couldn't help it anymore, I had been holding my tears all day. I was away from everything I knew, I missed Chris and his brother, I missed the sound of the streets, I missed my adoptive parents. I even missed their little boy for no apparent reason. That was enough for me. I ran to the gardens, I remembered that the fifth garden was a maze and got to the middle of it. In seconds I was already crying. I sat down and stayed there. I was still sitting there when a boy came in. I stood up in a flash and started walking out.

"No, no! Don't go" he said

There was something familiar about his voice, I looked up, it was the boy from the garden before, his clothes were dry, but his hair was still wet.

"Sorry for that," I said, pointed at his hair and continued walking out.

"You shouldn't be the one to apologize, I should. You offered to help and I acted like a jerk. I am sorry" he said and reached his hand to shake mine "I am Dean"

"Chris," I said and shook his hand.

"How did you get to the middle of the maze so fast? I went in a minute after you and it took me ten minutes to get here"

"I remembered the way from the tour I got earlier"

"You were only once in here and you remember the way? That's amazing!"

"Thank you," I said. Suddenly I wanted to be alone again and had to find a better hiding place this time "I have to go" I told Dean

"Are you ok?

"Yes, of course"

I ran out of the maze to the dining room, I sat outside, under an open window. The noise reminded me of sleeping in the streets with Chris and Jake. I hid between two bushes under that window and fell asleep.

When I woke up it was dark but I knew that someone was watching me. I twisted my hand and a swirl of air swirled around me, there was a large thump and a groan. The light from the window lit his face. 

"Didn't see that one coming" said Dean.

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