Meditation is essential part of mental health. It provides us the opportunity to acknowledge our thoughts with non-judgement. To be one with ourselves for even 10 minutes a day has a profound impact on our happiness. With the ever growing lists of demands we find ourselves getting caught up in a chaotic state of mind. Meditation helps us to reclaim our mental health and live a more stress free life. For me meditation has changed my life. Dealing with my diagnosis of type one diabetes was a huge obstacle in my life, but with the help of meditation I regained the control over my health for the first time in a while. If it can have that type of impact on my life, I know it can do the same for you.
The popularity of meditation is growing at a rapid rate due to its backing by scientific research on its impact on the human brain. During times of severe stress, meditation is that tool in your toolbox to call upon whenever you need it. Make it a priority to try out meditation for even five minutes a day, I promise that small amount of time will make an even bigger impact.
When some people think of meditation they think of it as just sitting still. Meditation is so much more than that. On a deeper level meditation is a time for self-reflection and a deeper awareness by turning in and reflecting on our thoughts. Meditation is the key to understanding the way we live, our thoughts, actions, goals, is all reflected on when we take the time to meditate. Meditation comes in many forms, so when it comes to not knowing where to start, this book will get you started on the right meditation technique for you. As you read reflect on each meditation technique find two or three that you think would best work for you.
1) Mantra Meditation
Mantra Meditation is when you create an affirmation and focus your attention on the meaning behind that special phrase you have decided to repeat during your meditation. Mantra meditation is especially good for overcoming times of hardship. Creating motivational and uplifting mantras such as, "I am confident, I am capable, I am strong" is just and example of how you can use this meditation to aid you in times of stress.2) Candle meditation
A candle meditation is good if you are beginning at meditation. Candle meditation helps you to focus in on something, making it easier for stressful thoughts to take the backseat in your meditation. When focusing in on the candle during meditation be aware of how a light breeze can make the flame drift from side to side, or how the flame illuminates its surroundings. Similar to the candle illuminating the room envision that candle or flame being lit within yourself. Feel that spark of creativity and light as your happiness radiates to those around you.3) Body scan meditation
A body scan meditation is good for those suffering with any physical or emotional pain. You start at your head and work you way down to your fingers and toes. Notice how your body is resting or pressing against the area you are seated. Notice any tension that you are carrying in your brow or fists. Notice any pain or uncomfortable feelings in your body. This is a good way to check up on your everyday health. With life being so chaotic we find ourselves overlooking or not even having time to acknowledge the pain that we might be feeling. Use this meditation when ever you feel like you need to reconnect you mind and body and be aware of symptoms that might be a result of something more serious.
Choose Happy
SpiritualSo you've decided to dive in head first on your journey to positive thinking, great... but now what? This book will heighten your awareness to the limitless possibilities and opportunities you have at your fingertips to living your true authentic li...