Chapter Seven

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It's been five days since the awakening of being able to hear dragons and having the visions. Rough and confusing as it was, it wasn't all that bad. No visions have happened since the first, and I was slowly getting to know information about dragons, others didn't know of. And as a very exciting bonus, I was able to realize that Jade was a total pain in the arse.

The worst was probably the dragon voices. It's like they were forced into my head and I couldn't get them out. However, I learned to block them off a slight bit.

Still, a nagging feeling kept shadowing me whenever it was or wherever I went. It was almost indescribable, like that word you can't seem to find on the tip of your tongue. I haven't seemed to find what I'm trying to search for, but I hope it'll come to me soon.

The tournament is in two days time. I've practiced every day, but I can't seem to find how to improve myself further.

I huffed, sprawled on my bed, my thoughts racing across my brain. I lifted my head up to the ceiling, mumbling about how it was way too boring to have the two days off before the tournament. It was unusual to be so free. However, it's left me to think to myself.

I got up from my restless day off, looking out the window. There was still maybe six more hours of daylight until it would start to turn dark. I decided to at least try to practice.

There was only so much I could do without the help of others. Everyone was too busy to help others out, especially since we would be facing each other. I took my book, carefully placing it in a satchel.

I took my sword and examined it before putting it in the sheath which resulted in a small click. I hung the sword on my belt, and decided to head out. The halls were eerily quite, with only a few people every now and then.

I exited the school into the large gaping fields of grass. I made sure to head far away near a tree. As I had expected, Jade laid down under the tree, his piercing blue eyes looking up at me.

"About time." He spat, his tail moving back and forth against the grass.

I gave a heavy sigh. "We didn't even discuss a schedule when I would be here. Why are you mad as if we did?" I asked out loud, checking around but thankful no one was nearby.

"Because we did? We're you too delirious to remember last night? You said you'd be here an hour ago." Jade said with a cold stare. "It's quite boring laying out here and doing nothing."

Sometimes I wished I couldn't hear dragons voices. Who knew what Jade has said to me before when I didn't understand. Either way, she didn't want to know.

"Sorry. I guess I did forget." I said with a clenched jaw. Jade needed to learn some manners. Maybe finding another dragon to learn from might be helpful.

"Most people like to think that there dragons can communicate with them through their movements and emotion. Certainly you must be one of.. those people?" A man behind myself said.

I jumped, turning around and examined the guy more carefully. His shiny black hair were neat curls atop his head, and his eyes a shockingly bright blue. The mans skin was a warm olive color. I felt like i've seen him before, but I couldn't place my finger on where.

"Oh I was just talking to myself.." I muttered with an innocent smile.

"Mhm. I'm Dale by the way." He introduced as he held out his hand to me.

I shook it calmly. "I'm Amira. Nice to meet you. Why did you come over here?"

A low growl escaped Jade's mouth. "I don't like him."

"I actually came over here to just introduce myself. And I was also a little intrigued by your dragon." He admitted honestly.

"Oh. Well i'm not sure I can provide much information about Jade here." I said, gesturing toward the dragon who sat on his haunches.

Jade said nothing as Dale nodded.

"I wanted to ask if you wanted help with practicing for the tournaments ahead. I'm two years ahead of you so I can pick one person to mentor." Dale explained.

"Y-you sure you want to pick me?" I said with a slight hint of confusion.

"Yeah." Dale said with a shrug. "Just a small warning though, i'm going to be tough."

"I can handle it." I said confidently, my hands clutched. This was way too perfect to be true.

"Okay, well let's see what you can do so I can gage how skilled you are." Dale said, pulling out a long sword with intricate writing on the base of the sword.

I nodded, pulling my thin sword from its sheath at my hip. Dale lifted an eyebrow at my sword, but said nothing.

"You have to attack me. With all you've got." Dale said with a stern look, getting into a stance.

The stance was unlike I had ever seen before. He was standing up straight, holding his sword in both his hands. The swords point faced upward, with his arms as low as possible standing straight. It was hard to see what kind of style he would fight with.

I held my sword in my right hand, while I slightly crouched. Dale gave a small nod as a signal to begin.

Immediately, I rushed him, swinging my sword to the left. As it clanged against his, I could feel my arm grow weak from the sword vibration. I stepped back, staying in a stance. After that, he made his move, his eyes focusing on my right shoulder as he swung there. How could he not know that he shouldn't fight with his eyes? Right after she went to block the attack on her shoulder however, the swords never clanged. In the blink of an eye, Dale swung in the opposite direction in a diagonal line, making contact with my left thigh. A sharp pain pierced my leg, as I winced in pain. While I was distracted, Dale made a sharp movement with his sword around my sword, making me let go of the sword. It clanged to the floor.

"H-how did you do that?" I asked with confusion, looking down at my thigh. A slight trickle of blood seeped into my pants.

"It's a technique called Dragons Rage. I'll teach it to you. But you have to add some magic to it if you aren't fast enough." Dale said while putting his sword in it's sheath.

"You can use magic during the competition?" I asked with widened eyes.

"Yeah. You'll be going up against other first year students so it's fair to use magic. Although, not everyone can use magic. Usually magic users don't have a dragon or griffin but there are some rare occasions."

Like me, I thought silently. It definitely gave me an advantage, especially having an experienced third year help with my training.

"So how do I learn The Dragons Rage?" I asked curiously.

"Well it's quite complex. You first have to have the intention to beat your opponent. If you start to lose faith in yourself, the skill is more... sloppy. Remember, these contests can change your future, and also make your name more known around school." Dale explained with ease as if he has said this speech a thousand times.

"Do you have the intention to win with all your heart?" Dale asked with a stern look.

I hesitated before strongly answering. "Yes."

"Good," Dale said with a small glint of amusement in his eyes "Let's begin."

Well, it's certainly been a while since posting a new chapter. I'm sorry for the wait, but now i'll be writing everyday to make up for all the time I had lost. Thank you all who have stuck with me, and thank you to those who have newly joined this journey of a book. I appreciate all the good words and praises, even though i'm not really proud of what this book has to offer. I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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