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I woke up in the dorms, and checked myself. I don't have any damage, but I feel... Weak. I got up from the bed, and went to the training grounds. I force my... Wait... What are these things even made of? I summon my sword and examine it. It's obviously mechanical, So it obviously it can't be made of organic material. Maybe... nanobots? That seems like the only logical explanation. I don't like the name nanobots. Maybe... nanites? I like it! I force my nanites to my arms, but not like how I built my sword. My arms became mechanical fists.

They're each about the size of a barrel. I'll call them Smack hands! I began hitting the training bots in quick succession. Sweet! I turn off my Smack Hands. What if I fight someone resistant against physical attacks? Hmm... Maybe I can create energy to attack? Maybe if I... make nanites combust? That would generate energy.... I build a large container on my back to contain the nanites, and make my right arm into a whip. I try to combust the nanites, and it's working! Electric energy is flowing through the whip! Somethings going wrong!? To much energy begins to enter the whip! Too much! Way too much! I feel the container explode sending me flying across the room. I quickly disable the whip. I look at what's left of my shirt. Maybe... I can build clothes? I mean then I wouldn't rip everything I put on. I think I'll build a black shirt, and a blue jacket. It worked!? Holy shit! This is amazing!

"(Y/n)!?" I hear Ruby's voice. I really don't want to talk to anyone who of them. This will either suck, or go amazingly.


"I meant to ask... How do you do that?" The conversation is definitely leaning towards the first option. Should I lie? Probably.

"I... H-have no idea. I j-just woke up one d-day and... Poof! I could make b-builds!" She nods at this, and then gets an idea.

"CAN YOU MAKE GUNS!?" I'm nearly knocked over by how in my face she is. I don't like this. Not at all. I want to run.

"I've never tried. I need to... Have an idea of what I need to put together, and besides I have a limited amount of nanites."


"W-what I use to make my builds." She's not the brightest bulb in the box. Doesn't take a genius to figure that out.

"Why not just switch from build to build?"

"It takes a few minutes to build them up."

"So your limits are you have a certain amount of those Nanites thingies, can't build what you can't imagine, and you need to build them up?"

"Yep." She's surprisingly insightful on weapons.

"I'll be right back!"

"Wai-What just happened?" In a flash of rose petals she was gone. I'm just... Gonna wait? In another flash of rose petals she's next to me again.

"Build this!" She pushes a blueprint in my hands. It looks like instead of making ammo it grabs the ground with a scoop. I build it piece by piece, and eventually we get... A... Something?

"What is it called?" I need to have a name!

"The Slam Cannon! Now try it out!" Catchy! I turn on the scoop, and it grabs a chunk of the ground. I aim it at a training bot, and fire! It obliterated it with a single blast. Now, I need a way to get around faster.

"Hey Ruby?"

"Yes?" I'm gonna regret asking this.

"D-do you know anyone really good with cars?"

"Yep! Be right back." I close my eyes, so rose petals can't get in them. It takes about a minute, and then Ruby comes back with Yang.

"Ruby! Why did you dra-Why hello handsome! I gotta say! Looking good!" After giving her the rundown of my abilities she thinks for a second.

"C-could you help?" She then grins, and twirls her hair.

"What's in it for little ol, Yang?" I look at Ruby pleadingly.

"We'll give you our shower time." Ruby sticks her hand out, and Yang shakes it.

"Deal! I know someone in Vale who can probably get the blueprints drawn up in a week or two."

"Now go! I wanna spend more bonding time with (Y/n)!" Ruby pouts, admittedly quite cutely, and Yang frowns.

"Let's ask handsome over here what he thinks. Huh Ruby?" I have a horrible feeling.

"Ok! (Y/n)! Who do you wanna hang out with more me!? The amazing leader! Or Yang!? My meanie of a sister!" I then do the smart thing. I pretend to faint.

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