Chapter Two Emma

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I walked from my apartment to my matte black 2013 Chevy Impala. I had just bought the car last week and i loved it. My dream car was a 1967 Chevy Impala like in the tv show Supernatural. But i will never have thay kind of money. When i sat in the car and turned it on Asking Alexandria's "Not The American Average" was playing on full volume. I fumbled with the controls to turn it down and an accidentally broke a nail, "ouch! Shit."

When i pulled out of my driveway and started down the road i saw the line of traffic and groaned. Great, now I'm late for work. i rolled down my window and people looked at me funny so i turned my music down. Not before pegging the finger at some people that used particular words towards my music. I finally made it to the end of the road to a red light. I looked out my window and saw a man and two children. The man was holding a sign that read "homeless and hungry with kids". He saw me looking and smiled at me. The the little boys were playing with a toy truck. I waved at them and sighed. I can't drive away without helping them. I went in my wallet and pulled out a 20 dollar Subway gift card my aunt gave me for my birthday and an unopened box of cheeze-itz from my floor and held it out the window. The man was looking and smiling at his kids.

"Sir?", he turned slowly with a surprised look on his face like i was the first person to acknowledge him in a long time, "there's 20 dollars on the card and the nearest Subway is about 5 minutes down the road."

He took the iteams from my hand, "bless you hunny. Thank you so much."

I smiled at him, "no problem. Now go feed those kids." He smiled and pulled open the box and gave it to his kids. The said something to him as they took the box and he turned and pointed at me. They smiled and waved. I waved back just as the light turned green and someone honked behind me and i drove away.

When i made it to the parking lot i was jamming Tylenol down my throat to help the pain. I took a breath and walked into the mall. Hot Topic was all the way on the end of the mall so that ment i had to walk through a ton of people. But no worries, i made it. As soon as i got close to the store the loud metal music punched me in the face. I love this place. I walked in and immediately was shot with Nerf bullets. I looked around for the snipers. I saw my two assistant managers, Chris hiding behind the Supernatural display and Jess in the middle of one of the clearance racks. A smile was instantly painted on my face as i dropped my stuff and ran for cover and retrieved my gun and started shooting back.

People were watching us from the window as we laughed. They smiled along and a ton of people actually came in and looked around. Man i love my job.

Once things finally settled down Chris came over to me, "hello." She said as if this was completely normal. I smiled at him and clocked in. Jess brought my bag and coat over and set on the chair behind the counter.

"Hello to you too." I said to my employees. I loved them. They were like family to me. My only family. The first half if the day went by quickly. When a sales associate came for their shift me Chris and Jess all went to the food court for lunch.

After we got our food (McDonalds of course) we all sat at a table and Jess broke the silence, " so, Em, you'll never guess what me and Chris got you." I looked at her with a mouth full of frozen yogurt. "Go ahead, guess!"

"Oh, um, i have know idea. Why'd you get me something anyways?"

"Um it was your birthday. Ya know just the other day." I put another spoonful of yogurt in my mouth. Jess reached into her bag and pulled out a long envelope and handed it to me. I looked at it for a second before i put my yogurt down and tore open the top. Inside was one piece of paper. When i pulled it out i finally saw what it was. A Black Veil Brides ticket.

"Oh my God. No way! The show was sold out!"

"We got the ticket months ago." Chris said satisfied with my reaction.

"Thanks you guys! So much!" I would hug them but i knew that would just make all of us uncomfortable.

"Oh and is the one for tonight right down the road. I can pick up you shift if you want." Jess smiled at me.

"Deal! I'll see you guys tomorrow!" I left my yogurt on the table and my bag in the store and i left speeding home to get ready. The concert was in just a couple hours. I couldn't believe it.

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