Chapter Three Emma

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When i got home i stripped everything i wore till i was wearing just my under clothes and i pressed play on my stereo and Black Veil Brides IV was still in there and jammed out again. I danced around my house in my bra and underwear without a care in the world. I don't remember the last time i was this happy.

I hummed along to Devi in The Mirror while i searched through my closet. I decided to wear black ripped skinny jeans, my newer pair of Vans, and a long sleeve flannel shirt. Nothing too fancy. I straightened my hair and put on some eyeliner. I decided to put on my black BVB necklace too.

I left my apartment early even though the venue is right down the road. There was traffic on the way there but nothing too bad. Traffic doesn't bother me. It was finding a parking spot that was terrible. I saw the line of people. Maybe about a hundred were already here so i was early. I finally spotted one right near the door and whipped in cutting two people off in the process who were not happy about that but I don't care.

I reached in my wallet and pulled out the ticket and held it tight and close. When i reached the back of the line i realized nobody was glaring at me. I didn't get dirty looks. Nobody looked at me and whispered into their friends ear. There was no Judgment. And for the first time in a long time i smiled genuinely.

I heard screams in the distance signifying that the boys were getting close. I could see the top of Andy's head bob up and down as he walked towards the entrance. Their body gaurds had to form a blockade around them because of all the girls trying to grab them. It was those girls who came here to look at their beauty. I doubt they know one song. I shook my head.

As soon as I was at the front of the line and they checked my ticket i beelined for the platform. There was a catwalk for the guys to walk down and interact with the crowd and that's where i was right against and i was not moving for anything.

People filed into the building by the hundreds. I was squished between the wall and other people with in minutes of getting there.

The show started with CC banging on the drums. They crowd cheered and then Andy's voice boomed through the stadium. His voice was like butter but at the same time rough. I never thought I'd heard it in person. "Alright! You motherfuckers better be ready for the show of your life!" Jake played a chord on his guitar. Ashley walked down the platform with his shirt off inspecting the crowd smiling. And just like that it started. The intro to Knives and Pens played and the crowd screamed. I whipped my phone out and held it up to get a better look over the platform and pressing the record button. Within a couple minutes my phone was snatched out of my hand. I looked up, stunned, as i watched Ashley Purdy skip away with my phone in his hand. Ashly fuckin' Purdy was holding my GS5. Then i realized what he was doing. He didn't stop the recording. I was in awe as he went behind CC, Jake, Jinx, and Andy and captured them preforming so closely. When the song ended they all gathered to the drums quickly and Ashley pointed to me. They were all talking into my phone's camera for a good 30 seconds be before they started the next song. Ashley skipping back to me and bent down to give me my phone back and winking at me as he did. He stood quickly and began to play his bass again. This was already the best day of my life.

     The concert went on for a couple hours. A ton of songs were played and Andy called out people for pegging him off making the crowd go nuts. I really don't get why people would pay for a ticket if they don't like the band but whatever. It was almost 10:00 at night when Andy said it would be the last song of the night. 

     The introduction to Savior started to play and every one cheered. "I never meant to be the one who kept you from the dark..." Andy started to sing and walk down the catwalk gently touching outstretched hands. Most people tried to grab him but he was too quick. He made it around to my side, still singing. He looked at my hand for a minute and grabbed it in his and held it as he crouched closer to me. "So hear my voice remind you not to bleed.." he looked at me sadly. I followed his eyes to my arm. My sleeve had fallen to my elbow when i reached up for him. He was looking at my cuts. Tears were knocking on my eyelids and my body kept telling me to run by Andy wouldn't let go of my hand as he sung to me. I looked away from his piercing blue eyes with tears falling. He let go the and i turned and started pushing through people. I got death looks filled with envy from people all around. "When I hear your cries praying for light I will be there.." i turned as i hastily shoved myself through gaps in the crowd. Andy was staring after me woth saddened eyes. Andy wasn't suppose to see my scars.

     When i got outside the back of the venue i sat on the sidewalk sobbing into my hands. This night went from the best of my life to one of the worst. I couldn't believe i was stupid enough to let that happen. I could see his thoughts in his eyes when he looked at me. Disgusting. Freak. I tried my hardest to shove the nasty thoughts away but the refused to budge. It was when i heard the screams of the audience inside i knew the show was over and people would be rushing out of the venue to catch the band. Little do they know they went out the back door like all musicians do.

     I realized where i was sitting when the door burst open on the side of me. I sat a pair of black tore skinny jeans step to the side and stay there. He must not have noticed me sitting there. I peaked up and saw Andy fumbling in his jacket looking for something. His eyebrows were crinkled together and then smoothed with relief as he pulled out a cigarette and lit it. He put it to his lips and took a drag and held it for a couple seconds. He sighed as he released the smoke and looked around finally noticing me sitting barely ten feet from him.

     He dropped the cigarette and took one giant step towards me. I tried to scramble away but he got a hold of my hand, "hey stop moving." I finally gave up because i knew he was not going to loosen his grip till i did.

     I took a quick look at him then down. He looked sad, "what?" I asked maybe a little too sharply.

     "I just want to talk. Come on." He pulled on my hand beckoning me to follow him amd i did. We walked a little bit until i saw the tour bus and we went in. He lead me to a little brown sofa and sat me down with him beside me. "Why'd you leave?" He said staring down at me intently.

     I hesitated, "i-i had to be somewhere." I finally said shakily.

     "Oh really? Is that why you were sitting on the ground over there?" I looked down at my hand that was still in his. "Look, I'm sorry okay. I didn't mean to single you out back there. But you're different from everyone else." I looked up and saw him staring down at my exposed arm and sighed. "I mean it."

     "How am i any different?" Depression soaked my voice as i spoke.

     "Well, first of all you're absolutely stunning." He spoke the words slowly so i caught all of them clearly. Andy Biersack just called me pretty. No not even pretty. Stunning.

     I felt my face turn red. I wasn't beautiful. I was disgusting. "And, you were the only girl that wasn't teying to rip my clothes off. I know you see me as a person and not a piece of sexy man meat. I've never had that and its nice." I looked at him and he squeezed my hand. He looked down at my wrist again, "Why'd you do this to yourself?" He met my eyes and held them. I opened my mouth to say something, i don't know what i would say so i shut it again thinking of a way to release myself from his stare. He looked down at my arm and i sighed in relief internally.

     I felt his hand travel up my arm slowly pulling my sleeve upward. And the weird thing was, i didn't stop him. Anyone else i would have punched and ran away although nobody's ever tried to help. He ran his thumb lightly over the cuts making me squirm and try to pull away, "Andy.." he caught my eyss again making the words stop coming. Before i knew what was happening he slowly bent over and placed his lips on my arm keeping the stare the whole time. He kissed each cut carefully and sat back up.

     "Promise me you will never do this to yourself again." I sat quietly, "you have to promise me!" He raised his voice slightly while still staring me down. I finally nodded at him. "Say it."

     I looked at him with tears blurring my vision, "i promise."

     "Good." He said as i reached up and wiped the tear away like he's know me his while life. There was a knock on the door and both of our heads lifted up to look. "Just a minute!"Andy Shouted over his shoulder. "Look, here give me your phone. I pulled it out of my pocket and handed it to him without question. He tapped the screen and gave a smirk when he saw my background. It was him. He opened my my phone pad and started pressing numbers. "Here", he handed my phone back, "that's my number. Call me if you ever feel like hurting yourself again. Or for anything actually. Okay?" I nodded at him before looking at my phone in disbelief. They knocked again and Andy escorted me to the door. "Really, call me if you need anything." I nodded and opened the door. I bumped into Jake and stared at him then hurried away. "HEY! Wait!" I looked back and saw Andy hanging out the door, "what's your name?"

     I smiled at him, "Emma!" I yelled back.

     "Till next time Emma!"



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