Chapter Twenty CC

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The venue we're at is in downtown LA. It's the last stop with Emma with us.

I like Emma. A fuck of a lot more than I liked Juliet. Emma's pure and nice and pretty and talented and she puts up with my shit more than my own parents. She is really protective over the things she cares a lot about. (Especially her ice cream.) When we were in Albuquerque for Warped Tour, Emma was sitting on the edge of the stage looking at the audience and listening to us play. Then some guy came over and flipped us off.

Of course, Andy being Andy, he stopped the music and called the guy out.

Blah blah blah fighting. Then the guy said something about Andy, Juliet, and Emma.

Andy just about jumped off the stage to kill the guy but Emma stood pushed him back a little, calmly might I add, and she took the microphone. The crowd went silent as she said slowly, and I quote, "go fuck yourself you fucking piece of shit." The crowd roared.

The guy turned beat red, obviously annoyed and embarrassed a chick just told him where to stick his shitty opinion. He started walked towards the stage.

You know those bull rider guys? At the rodeo? When they hold up the red cloth thingy and they bull gets really mad? Well, yeah, that was Andy in that moment. His face was so red with anger.

And again Emma pushed him back, calmly, then she was on the other guy like white on rice. Like flies on poop. Like fangirls on band members.

Emma literally beat this guy bloody in the space where the mosh pit was just moments ago. So yeah, she's protective of all of us.

So watch your back. Cause we're protective of her too. She's like our little sister. Well not to Andy of course. That'd be fucking weird.

I stood now in Las Angeles looking onto the crowd from behind my drum set. I don't mind being the forgotten drummer. I know that alota people don't even know my name. I love the drums. I have for a long time. Plus being forgotten by most means the few that do recognize me are amazing. I felt the sweat dripping from my face. It's usually hot in LA but July is one of the hottest months of the summer.

My eyes scanned the crowd as all the other guys did the same. We looked for Emma. Normally she was somewhere on the stage. It was rare she took to the audience. She only did that so she could crowd surf. Which she loved doing. But I couldn't find her. Maybe she was mad about the ice cream.

I let out a single sigh of disappointment as each of the guys did the same one after another.


The crowd cheered our name after we finished our last song. It was almost dark outside now. The sunset in Albuquerque is actually really pretty.

There was no sign of Emma anywhere. I hadn't noticed her appear throughout the concert.

The security that worked for Warped Tour guided us from the stage and to the merch table to sign things for the fans that so eagerly waited in the line in front of the table. They were all obviously exhausted and dieing of heat stroke. But still, their screams filled the air when they saw us and of course my smile is beaming. I love our fans.

We were only an hour into the signing when security came running over to us, "guys there is screaming coming from your bus!"

"What do you mean 'screaming'?" I asked standing slowly.

"Like someone is being murdered in there." All of us were on our feet in seconds shooting apologetic looks towards our fans and running off with security, "We tried to get in but it is locked up tight!" The gaurds yelled as they ran after us.

Of course we had to run all the way across the venue. By the time we got there we were all out of breath. It was quiet. I gave the security guard a mocking look as did the rest of the guys, then we heard it. I nearly jumped out of my skin why the piercing scream filled the air.

All at once we scrambled to the door but it was Andy who unlocked it and rushed in with the rest of us following behind. It was all normal. Empty beer bottles on the coffee table and counters. A soft music was playing in the background. Clothes were scattered walk around the floor. And Emma was soundly asleep on the couch with her headphones tucked in her ears loosely. I glanced questioningly at her. Her mouth hung open slightly and she snored a little. She looked peaceful and undisturbed by the odd screaming.

Then her arms flew violently to her head and started ripping at her own hair. Her back arched and her face twisted in terror and pain. And she screamed. Louder than I thought possible.

Andy flew to her. He started shaking her and calling out her name but that only seemed to make her hysteria worst. Obviously giving up, he sat beside her thrashing body and pulled her torso into his lap. She unconsciously struggled against his grip as he held her and rocked her slowly. Her whispered to her too quite for me to hear over her cries.

I started helplessly as my adopted sister goes through unspoken pain in her slumber.

A/N bet you all didn't expect some CC thoughts. Well, I like to spice things up sometimes ;] sorry for the filler chapter lolol

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