Chapter Ten Andy

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I walked along of Jinxx and CC at least 20 behind from where Emma, Ashley, and Jake were walking. Emma had her arm placed in Ash's arm and Jake held onto her jacket as they walked. They were all whispering to each other and laughing. And for some reason it really bothered me.

"I'm about ready to leave the party pooper group and go up to the fun ones," CC said as he looked at me, "what's up man?"

I smoothed my frowning face out and looked at him, "i don't know what you're talking about. I'm just tired." I looked back forward at the happy group.

"Suit yourself." He said and he ran forward toward Emma. He tickled her from behind making her scream and jump and let go of Ash. Emma and Ash both swatted at him and pushed him to the side of Jake. Ashley immediately took her arm again and continued his story like nothing had happened.

"Andy," Jinxx said, "what's wrong? You're bejng a Debby downer."

"I dunno, Jinxx. Its just bothering me that I'm up here and she's-- i mean they are up there." Shit.

"Oh, I see your jealous." He teased me and I shit him a death look. "Man don't you notice her keep looking back here? She's waiting for you to go up there with her. You're really not good with girls are you?" I threw another death look his way, "You know you need someone to help you after Juli-" he didn't get the name all the way out and his eyes were apologetic, "maybe its her Andy." He patted my back, "alright well while you work you courage up to go with them I'll be there waiting." And with that he walked quickly to the side of Ash and stared talking it up. Emma looked at him with a smile but that faded quickly and she looked back to me. Her face was questioning.

I waved at her and smiled as I pointed to a box of cigarettes. I pulled one out and lit it. She did not look convinced but she turned back to the guys and started laughing again. I groaned and took a long drag of my cigarette.

We were just down the street from the nearest Veggie Grill which is a vegan restaurant. Nobody here was vegan but to be honest their food is just so amazing you can't even tell there's no animal in it. I took another long drag.

After we placed out order Ash was still telling the story about a crazy show where the fans pulled him off stage and took a ton of his clothes as he and the other guys wiwrote Dien their number on a napkin and gave it to Emma. I sat in the booth opposite to Emma sipping on my coke. I stared at the ice cubes the floated around in my cup when I felt my phone vibrate.

Emma: "what's the matter you grumpopotamus?" I smiled at the made up word.

Andy: "nothing haha just tired :p"

E: "lies."
E: "wanna get out of here?"

I looked up to see her eyes staring into mine. I have a slight nod and a smile them stood, "I'm going for a smoke." I squeezed by the guys and went outside out of their sight. I watched from the window as Emma excused herself. She walked towards the bathroom but before she went in she slyly took a hanging hat and placed it on her head as she joined a group of people leaving the restaurant.

She ran up to me smiling, "that was fun! I was like a ninja!" We laughed as she took off the hat and placed it on a bench.

"So where do you want to go?" I asked her.

She shrugged and started to walk forward. "The guys took a liking to you."

"Oh man I know. Nobody's ever crowded around me like that." I laughed. We walked down the side walk looking for a place to go. Emma only looked at the ground or me so she didn't notice the guys.

All these guys walking around looked at her. Like really looked. And i know what they're thinking because i thought the same thing when i first saw her. She beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous and she had no idea. I slid my fingers in between her's and held her hand loosely. She looked at me and smiled and I gripped her hand tighter. I got envious looks.

"Andy!" Emma yelled excitedly, "can we go to that park?"

"We can go anywhere you want." She ran forward pulling me behind her laughing the whole way. I couldn't help but smiling.

She let go of my hand and sat on a swing. I smiled and got behind her giving her a small push. "I keep thinking this is a dream." She says quietly.

"What do you mean?" I pushed her again.

"I keep thinking that I'm going to wake up any minute. That there is no way this is happening to someone like me. I'm a nobody. A sad girl with a dead family. How could anybody like me?"

I stopped her swing and walked around to face her, "it is happening," I took her arm pulling her up to her feet and placing her hand on my chest, "I am real and you are here and I'm not going anywhere. You're not just some sad girl that everyone feels sorry for. I envy you, Emma." I dropped her hand and rested my own on her shoulder, "You are so strong. Look at you. Life has pushed you and kicked you while you're down and here you are, fighting. Every day is a struggle, I know that, but you fight every day. I wish i was like you."

She looked up into eyes. Her emerald green eyes were filling with tears and burning a hole right through me but i stated right back. She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around me and i did the same. She was so fragile. Her body was small and warm. Her hair brushed against my face. When we pulled apart she was looking at the ground again obviously trying to collect herself. I placed my hand under her chin and lifted her head to look at me and before i knew what i was doing I was bent down with my lips pressed lightly to her's.

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