Chapter Twenty Four Emma

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I sat on the floor alone where the circle of men was sitting just minutes ago. This is my first time being alone in six months and to be completely honest, I don't like it at all. Its quiet enough for my thoughts to break through and be the only thing I hear.

I let a single silent tear fall. The guys are only going to be gone for 2 months but I still feel overwhelmingly sad about them being gone. I miss the feeling of Andy's arms around me. I miss CC eating all my damn ice cream. I miss Ashley and all his attempts of flirtatious jokes. I miss Jinxx trying to control everything I do like he's my dad. I miss Jake and his guitar lessons. I miss them all so much already. I sat on the floor for a long time just trying to remember who I am and how I got here.

My name is Emma Walker. My whole family is dead. That's my fault.

My name is Emma Walker. My boyfriend is Andy Biersack. The Black Veil Brides is my family now. The Black Veil Brides saved my life.

I finally was able to pull myself together again and stood up. First things first is to find Mrs. Meow. Jess has been taking care of him while I was on the tour. He was where he normally is, hiding in the bathroom on top of all my clean towels. When he heard me walk towards him he was on his feet in no time greeting me happily. "Hi baby! I missed you so much!" I ruffed his fur before picking him up and carrying him to my couch.

He cuddled up in my lap and fell asleep as soon as I sat down and clicked on the TV. The familiar SpongBob Square Pants theme song filled my apartment and I watched the cartoon. Its the Bubble Bowl episode. The best one if you don't know.

As I was watching my phone started to ring but it was a Skype call. I smiled when I saw Andy's name and answered immediately. I was greeted with a long and loud scream.

"Emma!" He screamed loudly. He is standing outside at what looks like a Hess gas station. I know he had taken the time to pump the gas for the driver so he could talk to me without a heard of other men trying to steal his phone away. "I miss you so much already!" Mrs. Meow woke to the sound of Andy's angelic voice and cried out for him. "Hi Ma'am!" That's Andy's nickname for him, "Do I hear SpongeBob?" I laughed and rolled my eyes.

I didn't even get a word in when suddenly I heard a mush of voice. "Are you talking to Emma?!" I heard Ashley call out.

"Shit! Secrets out! I've been spotted! Gotta go! Love you, babe!" Then darkness. I laughed and tossed my phone on the couch to pet my kitty.


I woke up hours later laying on my couch. Mrs. Meow is gone, probably back to the towels. And George Lopez is on the TV now. I pouted a little bit. If Andy were here he would have moved me to my bed while I slept. I stood glumly and wrapped the blanket around my shoulders as I walked through the dark to my room.

My room is a little bit different now. I got more posters and had to hang another shelf for my music. I still have a ton of things from Warped Tour that I need to hang still. I plopped in my bed and stared at the ceiling as sleep carried me away.

*Three Weeks Later*

I woke up to a loud banging sound. I groaned as I pulled myself from my slumber. My alarm clock read 1:27pm. I groaned louder and fell back on the bed with a pillow covering my face. No matter how much I sleep in I still feel absolutely exhausted. It makes zero sense. I heard the loud pounding again and got up, with a lot of complaints to myself, to go see what could possibly be making that noise.

Peering through the window, I saw my neighbor mowing his grass. He two young children played together on the porch with their action figures. I've watched the two grow up even though I don't even know their names. They are twins, the boy and girl. Probably about ten or eleven years old. I assume the boy was born first, for he always shows dominance over the girl. Though they fight. A lot. The boy never left his sister's side. He always is there for her.

I remember one time, I was sitting by my window -as I am now- watching the rain, the girl came running home to her brother that her "boyfriend" pushed her down in the mud. An Angel must have been with that boy because her brother beat him bloody. For such a young kid, he can throw a punch.

I left the window and walked downstairs. It was quiet now. The pounding had stopped. I sighed and sat on my couch. I have no idea what to do now, as per usual. Only 27 more days until Warped Tour is over and Andy and the guys can come home to me. I've done the exact same thing for the past three week. Sleep until about 3 or 4 in the afternoon then watch TV, play video games, play/listen to music, read, or work. The days have dragged by. I'd probably put on a good 10 pounds by just sitting around doing nothing. Usually I would be upset about it.

I jumped when I heard the opening scream to Perfect Weapon. I searched around for the source of Andy's voice filling my apartment until I found my phone, which was right beside me on the couch where I left it last night. The ring tone was Jess's. I hastily answered the phone.


"God damn, Em!" Jess yelled into the phone so loudly I had to pull it away from my ear, "why the fuck did you answer your phone but won't let me in your house?!" At that moment there was a loud pounding on my door that made me jump and drop my phone.

I scrambled to pick it back up, "sorry!" And I ran to the door to find Jess sitting just beside it. "What the fuck are you doing here?!"

She grabbed her purse, got up, and shoved past me into my apartment.

"Bitch, I've been out there for 45 minutes. What have you been doing in here that you couldn't hear me?"

"Sleeping." I sat back on my couch and looked at Jess. "What are you doing here?" I asked again.

"I thought that I would take you shopping. I know you might be a little sad that Andy and the guys left so I want to take you anywhere you want to go and get you anything your little heart desires. Mine and my parents treat." She smiled sweetly at me and grabbed my hand reasurringly.

I nodded my head at her in response to the offer. Jess's parents happen to be super wealthy. Like everyone in the family gets 2 new Bentleys every year wealthy. Jess being Jess takes advantage of this as much as she can. Of course, I have know them for my entire life. I went to school with Jess and now I work with her. So I don't really feel bad about them spending money in me. Plus I need some new clothes.

After I was dressed in a simple Blink-182 tee shirt and some jeans I was ready to go. I sat in the drivers seat of Jess's Bentley. She hates driving and will try anything to get out of it. I drove down to the mall we work at.

Naturally it being in LA, it is huge. Every store you can think of and even more you've never even heard of. By habit Hot Topic is where I started my shopping journey.

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