2.) First Day at UA

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"Get up or you're going to miss the train!" mom screams, banging on the doors to either twins rooms. "You wanna be early on the first day at the best hero school in Japan!"

Kaida groans. She did not like that she had to get up earlier for high school. She was already annoyed that hero course students didn't get out till 4:10pm and that they had school on Saturdays too. They didn't get out till 3:10pm for Saturdays though.

Kaida got up and changed into the UA uniform, refusing to wear the tie. Ties pissed her off and they were too masculine for her. It was nice to see that her brother didn't wear his either. They ate the breakfast their mother made them before heading to the door to put on their shoes.

"Do you have your phones? Got pencils and whatever else?"

"Yes, mom," Kaida says.

"You got your lunches?"


"Kaida? Katsuki?"

"What?" the twins groan.

"I'm so proud of the two of you," she sniffles.

"Don't cause any trouble now, okay?" dad says.

They give the twins one big family group hug.

"Yeah, yeah. Love you too," they respond and head out the door.

The two rush to make it on the train.

"God that hag is so overbearing!" Katsuki complains.

"You act like you aren't exactly the same," Kaida replies.


She snickers as they scan their train passes. "You do the same thing to me, ya know?"

His face flushes into a pout as he crosses his arms. "I do not."

She tucks her arm under his. "You totally do, ani. And I totally know you're gonna be the same way to your children in the future."

"Who said I'd ever have children?!"

"Me bitch because my babies best have some cousins!" Kaida huffs.

He rolls his eyes in reply as they get onto the train. Katsuki manages to snag a seat before anyone else can get it. Kaida moves and plops herself on his lap.

"Bitch get your own spot!" he complains, trying to shove her off.

Kaida elbows his stomach in reply as she pulls out her phone to play on some app game. "Don't be an ass."

Once the twins arrive to their stop, Katsuki immediately stands up which slides Kaida to the floor. He grins at her. "Payback's a bitch."

Kaida growls and launches herself at him, chasing him all the way out to the gates of the school. She slugs him in the head, not caring who's around. "I'm your imouto jackass! You should at least be nice to me!"

He scoffs. "Whatever."

They stop and look up at the school from the gates.

"This is it," Kaida says proudly. "To being the best!"

"To take the place of number 1!" Katsuki shouts.

They enter through the gates with confident strides and head to classroom 1A. They stop in front of the door, looking up at it.

"I seriously hope we don't have someone in this class that's as tall as this door," Kaida sweatdrops.

"Doesn't matter how big they are, we'll still kick their asses!"

𝔼𝕩𝕡𝕝𝕠𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕋𝕨𝕚𝕟𝕤💥(MHA/BNHA ~ Kirishima x OC)Where stories live. Discover now