16.) Camp (Part 2 of 3)

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The students are woken up early. They all sluggishly eat breakfast and by then they still weren't awake.

Everyone is gathered outside at exactly 5:30.

"Good morning, class," Aizawa greets. "Today we begin a training camp that will increase your strength. The goal for all of you is to increase your skills quickly, so you can get your provisional license. This will allow you to face the dangers that continue to fester in the darkness. Proceed carefully." He pulls the baseball from their first day out of his pocket. "Look alive Bakugo." He tosses the ball to Kaida who catches it with ease. "Try throwing that for me."

"So like in the fitness test," she says.

"That's right," Aizawa mumbles. "When you first started school your score was 755.1 meters. Let's see if you've improved."

She moves back a bit.

"Oh, I get it! You're checking our progress!" Mina exclaims.

"Lots happened to us in the last three months maybe she can throw it a whole mile now!" Sero comments.

"Come on! Get it, Bakubabe!" Kirishima cheers.

She winds up her throwing arm then smirks. "I've got this," she growls. She moves her arm back to throw. "DIE!" She throws it off with a large explosion.

The ball soars through the air. She steadies himself after the harsh throw with a proud smirk.

"That was 769.6 meters," Aizawa deadpans.

Her eyes widen in disbelief.

"That's it?" Sero mutters. "Kinda disappointing..."

"You've had a single semester at UA, due to your various experiences, most of you have definitely improved, but improvements have mostly been limited to mental prowess and technical skill with a slight increase in stamina thrown in along the way. As you can see your quirks themselves have not improved much on a fundamental level. That's why we're now going to focus on improving your powers. This'll be so hard it'll feel like you're dying. Let's all hope you survive." He grins evilly.

"I'll be the judge of that..." Kaida huffs to herself, crossing her arms.

"I got a list compiling of each task I've assigned to each of you to help improve your quirks," Aizawa says. "Aoyama, continuous laser beams to the sky. Ashido there's a cliff over there, melt through it, and make a cave or something. Asui, increase your tongue strength and body strength by climbing up the cliff. Iida, nonstop running. Uraraka, we have a bubble ball dome to have you repeatedly roll down the hill to get yourself used to being in the air. After, you'll be lifting as many rocks as you can. Kirishima and Ojiro, the two of you will be tag teaming. Kirishima continuously keep your quirk active as Ojiro smacks you with his tail." He continues to explain to everyone what they're doing. "Twins. There's a barrel full of boiling water over there for the two of you. It will expand your sweat glands then you whip your hands into the air and send off explosions at full power. Hopefully in doing so it will increase the scale of your attacks."

"Sensei," Kaida cuts him off from continuing. "Could I get my own barrel? Far away from my brother?"

He blinks. "No. I don't care about whatever problem the two of you have going on. You will be training together or you can go home." He turns to give Deku, Mineta, and Momo their tasks.

The twins look at each other. Kaida's expression is a harsh glare and Katsuki's is one of sad anger. Everyone watches the two as they quietly head off to the barrel. The two plunge their hands in the water, pulling them out and releasing big explosions.

It's a few hours of silence before they all start to huff in exhaustion. That's when Class 1B decide to tiredly join them as they were just woken up a few minutes ago. Vlad King gets them quickly to stations.

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