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When I look up, I see Elle. Her eyes are worried as she hands me a blood packet, clearly noticing the deep shadows that ring my eyes.

"Thanks." I mumble, downing the entire thing before I glance up again. "How's Taehyung?"

"I have no idea." She sighs heavily, crossing her arms together. "He's locked himself in his room— he only comes out to take a pile of packets."


Jungkook pokes his head in the doorway, and I toss the empty container in the trash as he purses his lips.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I force out. They still didn't know about the night visit Taehyung and I had made, and I was too frustrated to tell them.

That girl.

Why does it have to be her.

"Yoongi hyung's promised to stop teasing you." Jungkook says positively as Elle giggles out loud.

"It's only because you said you'd hurl him all the way to Han River if he did it again, Jungkook."

It's clear they're trying to lighten up the mood, but I'm already distracted with the smell of magnolia. It's not long until I forget they're there entirely.


"Sorry." I mumble as I slide back under the covers. "I'm going to try sleep."

"Okay." Elle says uncertainly as she quickly pulls a protesting Jungkook out of the room, sensing my want to be alone.

The tips of my fangs graze my lips.

Before I can think it through, I've teleported to Taehyung's room, and what I see stuns me.


There are packets after packets tossed around carelessly around the usually spotless room, all completely empty.

"Leave me alone." I hear him sniffle under the bed, covered under layers and layers of blankets. When I forcefully tear them away, he gives me a furious look.

He looks so broken I start crying.

"Wha— Jimin-ah?" He says shockingly, and I press my hands on my face. "I'm sorry— I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. Jimin-ah? I didn't mean that."

I wipe my eyes so hard they hurt.

"I know."

"It's just that you look—" When I start crying again, Taehyung looks honestly alarmed as he grips my shoulders and marches me out of his room.

"Tae!" I hear Jin hyung exclaim excitedly. "You finally— Jimin? What's wrong?"

"We're going out."

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