Chapter 18

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"Sam!!" Someone said as they shook me lightly.

"Fuck off."

"Bill is going to kill us!!"

I sat up straight, remembring that.

I turn to face Avan witha smirk on his face.

"Great acting bub." I say as I roll my eyes and plop myself on the bed again.

"C'mon, were going to iHop for breakfast!!" He says excitedly.

"Noooo." I whine








"Ha! I win!" I exclaim and point at him.

"But you're not lazy anymore." He laughed.

"Ugh. fine" I groaned standing up and going to my room to change.

I took out ripped skinny jeans and a black muscle tee, pairing it off with combat boots. I curl the ends of my hair and grab my bag.

As I was going out I bumped into Avan causing me to land on my butt and him making an 'umph'

"You idiot." I said laughing

"What me? Says the one who landed on her butt."

"You dickhead just help me up." I laughed as he did as told and we went to iHop for brunch.


After that we went and rehearsed more scenes and eventually stopped for break and I checked my phone to see that I had a missed call from Luke and Calum. I call Calum back first because who knows he might be pissed.

He picked up on the third ring and immidiatly just spat all the things he wanted to say.

"Sam I'm so so sorry for getting mad at you last night I was wrong. I just I miss you and me being a great big brother and I can't protect you from guys like him and I just. It's just that I got you back and I don't want to ever lose you again."

"Aww. Cal I kmow that but you're still a dickhead for not trusting me you smartass."

"Yea. I know."

"Well okay then. Bye I gotta rehearse a few more scenes." I groan

"Okay. Call me when it's over."

"Sure thing." I said as I hung up the phone.


"That's a wrap evrybody!" Bill announced.

We all cheered as I grab my bag.

"I have some announcements guys." He said bringing all attention to him.

"Since we finished like more than a half of season 1 episodes you will all get your paychecks today." He said causing all of us to cheer

"And with that a side... You can all go visit your families for a few months!" He exclaimed and I instantly screamed and hugged Arianna who was just beside me.

I get to see Luke again!

"This is just for a few months but since I'm nice I already booked you guys flight tickets that I have paud for and also I will contact you when you have to go back. And concerning you going back this will be spontanious I will just randomly text you whenever I want. Got it?" He said and we all nodded.

He went around givig us our pay checks till I had the greatest idea.

I'll make this a surprise for them.

"Bill!" I said running up to him

"Yes hun?" He asked turnig to face me

"Where did you book my flight?" I asked

"Oh. To your brothers next place or part of tour or whatever." He said

"Really?" I exclaimed

"Yes really. Now I will go tell simon that--" I cut him off

"No don't tell anyone. Except my manager, I'm going to surprise them." I said as he nodded and smiled

"Well get some shut eye, your flight is early. Here's your ticket, your flight info is inside." He smoled and I shoved my ticket in my purse.

I went back to the hotel and started to pack reading my flight info. My flight leaves at 5 in the morning too early for me but I can manage.

I set my alarm for 4 o'clock and start packing my stuff, I went and grabed some pj's and brought it with ne to the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth, cleaned my face and changed into my pj's which was Luke's t-shirt that I stole. Seriously I steal Luke's clothes with him knowing and he's cool with it, I shrugg and go to my bed turning off the ligts and getting some shut eye.

--I'm so sorry for not updating in a while but you guys are amazing srsly 2k reads? It means a lot really I hope that I can gain more views so please help me guys. I'm so sorry if thus book bores you but I promise it will get good. I  the mean time just enjoy luke and sam lol--

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