The Plan

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"Don't eat that," said Oliver.

Wovyn frowned but obeyed. It smelled good. It had sugar in it. He wanted to put it in his mouth.

"You can't just eat raw dough, Wovyn, that's not how cookies work. They will be much better when they are cooked, that's why they are called cook-ies."

Wovyn kept pouting but didn't stop mixing. Oliver wasn't even next to him, he was all the way over there on the other side of the table. On top of that, he wore too many clothes. Wovyn was going to have to fix that soon. It was way too early in the morning, on a Saturday, to be this strict about licking spoons and wearing proper clothes. He had even kicked Wovyn out of his room to change - how rude! Just when Wovyn had convinced him that he didn't need to keep his pajamas buttoned up too.

He'd have his revenge.

"Wovyn, treat your dough with love. Glaring at it won't help anything."

"Alas, I can't," said Wovyn with a dramatic sigh.

Oliver rolled his eyes. Wovyn loved when he did that because he was always trying to repress a smile when he did - and always failed.

"Let me guess. A kiss would help?" said the human.

"Of course! What else?"

Oliver chuckled and wiped his hands on his apron. It was very cute; it had a little ghost on the front and the writing read "my cooking is to die for!" He then walked around the kitchen table and got up on his toes to lay a chaste kiss on Wovyn's lips.

Wovyn might have asked for more, but more would take time. Besides, he had a plan for later. It was an excellent idea. Just thinking about it made him chuckle darkly.

"There, now behave," told him Oliver as he returned to spreading the dough on ungreased pans. He did so very neatly, like everything he did.

Oh, how Wovyn wanted to mess him up right now. The kissing from this morning had awakened many hungers inside of him, none of which were sated. Heck, he was even getting hungry again - physically hungry, not metaphorically. Each time he caught Oliver biting his lip when he focused or licking something to check the taste he felt more and more like the monster he was. He was ravenous while presented with the most delicious of meals and yet he couldn't pounce on him - not yet.

Not yet. Soon.

"I think it's smooth enough, Wovyn," said the unsuspecting Oliver. "Why don't you come over here to spread them? The over should be nice and warm by now, they will be done in no time."

Soon, though Wovyn when he brought over his bowl. Right when the cookies were done.

"So, when will I be able to eat it without burning myself?" asked Wovyn.

"Jeezus, give it five minutes," said Oliver with a laugh. "I supposed you could try now, but I wouldn't recommend--"

As soon as he had said that, Wovyn had grabbed a cookie and attempted to shove it down his face. It was most certainly hot but cool than the burning point, all he needed was to hand for a few moments with his mouth open while breathing loudly. Oliver looked a little worried as he did that but didn't intervene when it was clear that the imp was fine.

"Delicious!" cried Wovyn when he had swallowed it all. He reached for another.

"No! Just one!" cried Oliver.

"But why not more?"

"Because they aren't meant to be eaten like that! Wovyn, don't be a savage."

Wovyn slumped down until only his frowny eyes poked from over the side of the table.

"Oh, don't be a drama queen," said Oliver as he tried not to laugh. "You'll get your fill in five minutes. Do I have to watch you now so that you don't steal them all?"

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