Breakfast in Bed

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For all Wovyn's daydreaming of waking Oliver with kisses the moment he would wake up, Oliver ended up being the one that was awake first. Of course! It was Oliver, after all. Even if it was Saturday, he would rather be caught making a mess than sleeping in.

To escape from the bed however, he needed to be discreet. Wovyn was spread out on the sheets, sleeping soundly, and between Oliver and his access to the floor. The man, on all four, crawled over each unimaginably long limb before he was able to escape. Luckily for him, it seems that the imp was a heavy sleeper and he didn't stir, not even once.

He usually changed in his daytime clothes as soon as he was awake but there was something about the fact that Wovyn being right there that stopped him. He couldn't stop imagining what would happen. Even if they had already found themselves in a similar situation the night before, it was best not to tempt his luck. Oliver escaped to the kitchen.

Moments later, the water boiler was running and he was pulling out bread and jams out of his storage. He noticed in passing that all the leftovers from last night had been eaten and the plate licked clean. He chuckled at this discovery and placed the used dishes in the washing machine. Just because Wovyn didn't have the stomach for a full meal didn't mean that he had any less of an appetite. He was glad that, in the end, he had been sensible enough to make a lot.

This made him think of what they had done last night. Not much, one might say, but this was without considering that this was the first time in years that Oliver had kissed anyone. His little crushes when he was a teen had been so long ago, and those had been, for the most part, girls. It wasn't a surprise that they had not worked out. He had still received some advances from women (since he wasn't out) but he had politely declined them, knowing that he wouldn't be able to make them happy and that they deserved better. He didn't know how he would have reacted if a man as sexy as Wovyn would have done the same thing.

Just like he didn't know how to react now. How far should he push this? Should he pursue this relationship? Should he let Wovyn kiss him... and more? It was so confusing. But a few days ago, he would have turned his nose up on himself and called himself bananas for even considering it.

But him a few days ago had not met Wovyn. He had not seen his smile, felt the tickle of his breath or felt those big yellow eyes on him. Wovyn as a person appealed to him. Warmed his heart. And turned him on terribly. He very much was perfect despite being an imp. And did it really matter if he wasn't real? He didn't feel imaginary. He drew real reactions from Oliver at least, and that was what mattered in a relationship, right?

This was messed up, though Oliver as he massaged his temples. He couldn't get in a relationship no one else saw, that was the surest way to be sent to the psychiatric hospital if anyone found out. If his mother found out. Oh heavens, if his mother found out she would be so deceived in him.

But he wasn't living with her anymore, reasoned another part of him. He had lived alone for too long. Some days it was easy to ignore the loneliness. He was glad that he had company, at least. Whatever he did in the privacy of his home only concerned him after all, and that was a final.

So, that brought up the question: what did he want to do? When Wovyn kissed him, it was intense. The feelings were overwhelming and so powerful they became scary. Yet he liked it. He liked it a lot. It was unlike anything he had had before. If he was honest with himself, he really wanted an encore. So that's what he was going to roll with for now. What happened later... well, he will see when he will get there.

He looked at the food he had laid out on the table in front of him and had an idea. A tray with feet was pulled out of storage. Time for breakfast in bed.


Wovyn most certainly had not budged despite the noise coming from the kitchen. Oliver watched him from the door smiling, seeing how he had stretched out his long limbs. Wovyn was cute. Like a cat.

He moved towards the imp. The sound was enough to make him stir and open one lazy eye, before sitting upright with his tail hitting the sheets in his excitement.

"Hungry again?" asked Oliver.

The other eagerly nodded in response.

"All right then, just take this and let me sit next to you, and we can eat together."

But the moment Oliver approached, Wovyn tried to go on for a kiss. The sudden movement made Oliver back away and almost spill some tea.

"I wanted to morning kiss you," said Wovyn quickly. "It's not night anymore. I wanted to kiss you awake."

Oliver blinked a few times before a small chuckle escaped his lips. "I always wake up early."

"No fair."

Oliver laughed and gave him the tray again, this time with no incident. He then had to climb over the imp, which he did carefully. He didn't want to step on him or worse: touch him in a way that could be interpreted as a flirt. His heart was pounding in his chest. Something was going to happen between the two of them now, he just knew it.

Once he was settled down next to the imp, he pulled the tray on his lap again and swatted Wovyn's hand away from the bare bread.

"Wait that I put some things on there at least," said Oliver.

Wovyn grumbled in playful protest and snuggled up to him. Oliver's poor heart couldn't beat faster, but he did his best to focus on buttering the bread slices and picking some jams for it.

The imp kissed him right at the corner of the jaw and Oliver almost dropped what he was holding. "Wovyn! What are you doing?"

The latter just chuckled deeply and scooted closer. He pressed his nose through his curls while passing an arm around him. He didn't answer the human's question but what he was attempting to do was pretty clear.

"Now is not the time, Wovyn, not if you want to have breakfast." They weren't getting fed if they were kissing.

"Breakfast later," said Wovyn. He grabbed the handles of the tray, one with his hand and one with his tail, and put it behind him, out of Oliver's reach. "I've found something tastier."

Oliver blushed deeply. "Well I'm-- Breakfast is important, it's the most important meal of the day and--"

Wovyn leaned in and kissed him. He was sweet when he did so, tugging on Oliver's lips to part then. He didn't get upset when Oliver, so easily overwhelmed, didn't open his mouth for him, instead he pulled away and kissed him on the cheek and neck. Oliver wasn't quite sure what he should do but he could feel the desire for more budding inside of him. He reached for Wovyn and kissed him again on the lips. He even cupped his hand around the imp's cheek as they did in the movies.

"That's a very good breakfast," said Wovyn. A hand went up to Oliver's collar to fiddle with the first button.

Oliver felt his cheeks heat up again, but let him do. The imp's fingers undid three buttons before it slipped into his shirt, running over the light chest hair there and over his shoulders. He was just as soft as he always was - as if he didn't want to frighten his human. Oliver appreciated that. It was like slipping in a bath that was too warm - slowly did the trick.

"How far can I go today?" asked Wovyn.


"I don't think you will say yes to all," said Wovyn. "So I am asking. How far can I go?"

"Uh..." Oliver looked down at himself. He was a bit at loss. "Down my chest?"

Wovyn licked his lips. Actually licked his lips like he was a tasty little piece of morsel presented to him. With how big he was and all the sharp teeth in his maw, he looked physically capable of eating him and for some reason that made Oliver's breath pick up and blood rush to his cheeks. He was in far over his head this time, and he didn't even have the good excuse that he needed sleep. He could still say that he didn't feel like it... but did he really?

Oliver didn't have the leisure to think about what that meant before Wovyn got to work on the rest of his buttons, all the way down until there were no more buttons to undo. The moment Oliver's chest was exposed, he latched on it, kissing a path down it while his hand caressed it. Oliver produced a muffled gasp when he felt Wovyn's fingers tugged on a nipple. Moments later, a hot mouth was closing over it.

This had been a mistake. Oliver looked down and saw two yellow eyes looking back at him as the imp dragged his tongue over that spot. This felt so much more intense than what he had expected it to be, he was going to--

The moan escaped his lips before he could stop it. Oliver covered his mouth, mortified, and Wovyn had to laugh. He pressed his forehead on Oliver's chest and laid there chuckling.

"You're too cute, I can't," eventually muttered the imp. "You should have seen your face."

"I'd like to see you try," muttered Oliver, a little upset that the other seemed to be mocking him.

"You are more than welcome to try anything you want on me," said Wovyn in a low voice. "Anything."

Oliver blushed. "No thanks. I'll just... I'm hungry."

"Then let's play a game."

Oliver looked at him suspiciously. Wovyn gave him his biggest, most innocent smile.

"What sort of game do you have in mind?"

"If you pay me with enough kisses I'll give the tray back."

"That's not a game!" Oliver reached for the tray over Wovyn but his hand was swatted away by the imp's tail. "Ouch!"

"You're trying to escape by eating after you told me I could touch all of your chest. I need compensation."

Oliver looked at the imp. He could handle a few kisses. They had kissed already and, besides, what was the worse that could happen?

"Fine," he said.

He leaned in to kiss the grin off the imp. Of course he was happy. He got everything he wanted. Oliver knew that, eventually, he'll worm him out of his pants - but not now. He still needed some time to get used to all that.

It started slow, just like all the other kisses, but suddenly it picked up. Wovyn passed a hand in his hair and produced a small pleased sound that was like a mewl; for some reason this excited Oliver. Opening his mouth to the other's tongue seemed easier after that. They caressed each other and a few playful sounds were exchanged. Oliver felt sloppy and clumsy, especially compared to how Wovyn seemed to know exactly what he wanted. He only thought that for a while. After he felt so good that he forgot to think, and the next thing he knew he was parting with the imp gasping because he needed some air.

Wovyn licked his lips and started to purr. He looked content. When Oliver reached for the tray, the other made no move to stop him so he must have considered himself compensated in full. Oliver finished preparing his bread. He still had his shirt open from before but he found that he didn't mind as much.

"Can I have a bite?" suddenly asked Wovyn.

"Of course."

Wovyn opened his mouth but didn't move.

"Do you want me to feed you too, while you're at it?" asked Oliver, amused.

Wovyn nodded.

The human rolled his eyes but did as he was asked. The imp engulfed half of the slice in one bite, missing Oliver's fingers by a hair.

"Hey! That's mine!"

Wovyn started to chew quickly.

"Oh fine, you big... thief," said Oliver. "You can have the rest too."

Somehow, the imp managed to swallow the whole thing so that he could open his mouth again. Oliver rolled his eyes and gave him what was left before preparing himself a new slice. Wovyn snuggled up against his legs, closed his eyes and resumed his purring.

Oliver ate two more slices before he started to become suspicious. "You aren't hungry anymore?" he asked.

"I am."

"You haven't asked for anything more."

Wovyn looked up at Oliver with a large smile. "I know. I'm saving some space."

"That's quite a lot of space you are saving. Care to tell me for what?" Oliver expected the other to come up with some other excuse to kiss him.


"Wh-- You can't have a breakfast of cookies!"

"Then it won't be my breakfast. It will be a snack."

"There is supposed to be some for the whole building you know. I have bought little cloth bags to distribute them and--"

"If you are going to give them away anyway, then you might as well give them to me," replied Wovyn. "I'll love them more than anyone else will."

Oliver sighed. "I guess I can spare you a few..."

"But I want all of them."

"You can't eat fifty cookies, Wovyn."

"You will be making fifty cookies for me?" The imp grinned. "Wow, can't wait!"

Oliver tried his best not to laugh and rolled his eyes. He made a piece of bread for him and gave it to him. He ate it happily.

"Well I guess that I won't have too much of an appetite if you keep hand-feeding me bread, butter, and jam," said Wovyn.

"You're absolutely shameless, you know that?"

Wovyn grinned. "And you love me for it."

"I do," said Oliver.

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