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It wasn't the loud rumbles of thunder or the heavy rain on my roof that awoke me. I didn't even hear the storm. Not until the banging on the front door finally woke me up from my deep, slumber. I got out of bed and quickly put on a jumper, covering up my upper body.

I ran downstairs and made my way to the front door, assuming my mum had just forgotten her keys again and locked herself out. I got a glimpse of outside and noticed that it definitely wasn't my mum. The figure was too tall and build like a man. I slowly approached the door, grabbing the baseball bat before opening the door, to reveal a teenage boy. He would have only of been one or two years older than me.

He gave me a soft smile through his shaky lips. His gripped onto his body tightly, trying to stay as warm as he possibly could have. I furrowed my eyebrows, slightly confused as to what he was doing here. I had never met him before and he didn't seem to know me either.

"Sorry to wake you up," he finally broke the silence, his voice deeper than I expected from his baby face. "My car broke down just down the street there and no one else was answering their doors. I was just wondering if I could possibly use your phone to call someone."

He had a soft smile to him and a kind face, but there's also been a few robberies around this area lately, and I'm sure many people would trust a kid like this. I nodded my head slightly, looking around for our home phone, trying to avoid any reason to let this stranger inside. When I finally spotted it in the kitchen, I looked back at the boy and gave him a sarcastic, soft smile.

"Give me one second," I told him, raising my finger up to his face.

I shut the door on him, feeling slightly rude, but also not risking anything bad happening to me. I quickly ran into the kitchen, grabbed the phone and ran back to the front door. I opened it up and smiled, handing him the phone.

He dialled in a number and took a couple steps away from me, talking in a low voice so I wouldn't be able to hear. I turned my attention back inside, looking at some of the new paintings my step dad had hung up. They were placed in the wrong areas and made the house look crowded even though there was enough space.

"Thank you," he whispered, handing me back the phone.

"So is someone on their way?" I asked him, making sure that he was going to be alright.

"Yeah, my sister shouldn't be too far away," he nodded, looking down the road. "I should probably get back to my car, turn on the hazards so she knows where I am."

He looked nervous and sounded nervous, which made me nervous and when I'm nervous I can't sleep properly, and I need to sleep tonight because I have lacrosse tryouts tomorrow and I need to do a good job. I'm already on the team and I know coach will want to keep me on, but there are new kids coming in and they're going to be a lot better than half the team. And I know for a fact, at least one of them is either going to be better than me, or the same as me.

"Alright well, I hope you get home safely and I hope your sister gets here soon." I told him, waving goodbye as I slowly closed the door.

I ran back up the stairs and went straight back to bed, getting comfortable and closing my eyes. I rolled over to my other side and tried to fall asleep again. A good ten minutes passed and I still couldn't fall back I asleep. I rolled over onto my back and lay there, staring at the ceiling. I cleared my throat and took a deep breath in, thinking about what it was keeping me up.

The only thing that came to my mind was the guy I just helped. He definitely didn't seem like the type of person to steal from me and I was just a complete asshole to him and made him go back outside in the cold.

I sat up and got back out of bed, looking out my window, searching for the car. Once I found it, I saw that the boy never got back in his car. He just stood there, waiting until his sister came and picked him up. I jumped back into bed and closed my eyes, trying to forget everything that just happened in the past 20 minutes.

I soon fell into a dreamless sleep, never truly forgetting about that boy.

Obsessed [book: one] // ThiamWhere stories live. Discover now