Chapter 03

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I envision the flower fields, trying to remember every detail about each flower. Mason isn't going to be here for another forty minutes, so I decide that now is going to be the best time to finish off my drawing. I grab out all my drawing equipment and begin to finish it off, slightly sketching the details.

I slowly stroke the page with my pencil, drawing each flower with as much detail as I can. After a solid thirty minutes, my drawing is now complete and I'm happy to say, I am somewhat satisfied with the results. I grab my eraser and slowly just go over the outlines, clearing up the accidental smudges and making it reasonably neater. 

Now that I'm satisfied  with the result, I hold it up against the setting sun, smiling as I place it down on my windowsill. I run my hand over it slightly, tracing the outline of the flowers. My mind starts to ponder back to this morning, seeing Theo standing there, him coming in and sitting next to me, and me not seeing him for the rest of the day. 

I look outside as I hear a car pull into the driveway, only to see Mason pulling in and parking his car. I quickly grab my drawing and shove it under my bed, making sure it wasn't visible or easy to spot. I quickly grab my books and run downstairs to the kitchen, throwing everything down and running to the door. I open it and smile, waiting for Mason to get to the front door. 

"Don't you look creepy," he laughs, pulling a concerned face. "So I was thinking maybe we could play a bit of 'Dragon ball fighterz' until dinner, and then study until whatever time. I told my Mum I was just gonna stay the night here, but I can go home if you want."

"No, you can stay. My Mum won't care and I don't think my Dad's going to be home tonight, so I'm going to be home alone for majority of the night anyway," I tell him. 

He nods and heads towards my room. He goes straight over to the xbox and puts in the video game, setting it all up as I get the controllers ready. I sit up on my bed and get ready as it starts to load. Once the game begins Mason and I get right into it, barely talking, faces too close to the TV, the only noises we would really make were groans or cheers every few seconds. 

Once the harder parts were over and we don't seem as tense, conversation slowly started to rise. Mason is doing most of the talking, but I manage to get in a few words every couple of sentences. Not that Mason is really listening to me though, between the game and his ranting, I don't think he would notice if I didn't talk at all. He probably wouldn't even notice if I left the room. 

"So apart from school and work, I also have Corey to worry about," I place my controller on my bed, giving all my attention to Mason. This is the first time in days I've heard Mason actually talk about Corey. "I love him so much and I know we've been through a lot, but I don't know if I can keep it up anymore. We're always fighting and even when we're not, there's always this tension between us and we haven't been the same since... well you know what happened. 

I just don't get how we can fix what happened between us and I honestly don't think we can fight the truth. We've tried everything and we even gave each other space, but that didn't work out. I think it actually just made things worse when I really think about it." I can hear the pain in his voice, but I have no idea what to say. 

I haven't been in many situations like this, because I haven't really dated anyone. I have had a couple of girlfriends, but none have lasted long enough to get into the fighting stage. I mean there was one relationship that lasted awhile, but she cheated on me and we broke up before we could start fighting. 

"Look man," I speak, trying to think of something to say. "I don't have much experience with this sort of thing, but I know you and Corey will sort this out. It may take awhile and it might feel like things are just getting worse, but you have to go through hell to get what you want. I and many others, we can all see how much you two love each other. So don't let this get you down, just work it out and if you can't, then do what's best for the both of you and who knows Mason, maybe one day you guys will sort it out and start over."

I finish what I have to say, surprised as to what I had just said. I know it's not the best thing or even remotely helpful, but at least he knows he has people here for him and people who will always love and support him. 

"Thanks man," he sniffles, as he wipes his nose with his sleeve. "It just hurts you know. Knowing that he could keep a secret like that from me. I understand he wanted to keep it private, but he told almost everyone else but me. He didn't even come to me for help, he went straight to Zac and I had to find out from the talk going around school."

I can understand where Mason is coming from, but I also get why Corey hid it from Mason. About two months ago, Corey got kicked out of the house because he was apparently taking up 'too much space' and had to leave immediately. He had nowhere to go, no clothes, no shelter, nothing. So he called his childhood best friend and ended up moving in with him, but he kept it a secret from Mason for two months, and when Mason confronted Corey about it, he lied straight to his face. 

Corey later on told Mason he lied, because he was afraid Mason would be jealous and get angry, even though Mason couldn't care less. But Mason wasn't angry because he was living with another guy, Mason was angry because Corey didn't call him first and kept it a secret from him. And ever since then, things have been almost broken between them. 

I pause the game and wrap one of my arms around Mason, giving him a pathetic hug, but it's good enough for him. He wipes away a tear and smiles, shaking his head as he slightly laughs. As much as he tries to hide it from me, I can tell that he's hurt badly and doesn't want to talk about it or act on it. 

"It's alright man, let it all out." I tell him, sitting up and grabbing a box of tissues from behind us. 

"No more tears," he hands me back the box and sits up next to me. "I'm going to talk to him tomorrow and we're going to sort all this bullshit out. Enough is enough," he grabs his bag, holding it up with a wicked smile.

"I thought we were studying after dinner," my voice comes out in a sad whisper. "Dinner isn't ready yet."

"Liam, we need to start studying now. You need to finish off your English report and we need to start our chemistry revision. Now, let's go." He makes his way downstairs to the kitchen. 

I slowly get off the bed, groaning as I slide my feet against the floor, too lazy to pick them up. I peer into the kitchen, rolling my eyes as I see Mason already studying and getting straight into it. 

"Aren't you doing your English stuff as well tonight?" I ask him, confused as to why he was doing his chemistry revision. 

"I finished that the same week we got it. Now get your English stuff out and we'll go over it," he smiles, patting the seat next to him. 

I groan and walk towards the seat next to him, grabbing my English stuff and sitting it out in front of us. I still have a lot to do, but I know with Mason's help, I'll be able to finish it sooner. He grabs it off me and starts writing down a bunch of stuff. If there's one thing I've learnt from my friendship with Mason, it's that when he starts writing like this, it's best to leave him alone. 

He hands me back my report, basically telling me what to write and giving me a bunch of big words to make myself sound smarter. I thank him and begin to write my report, a heavy weight now lifted off my shoulder. 

Wow. I've actually posted constantly for once... look at me go. 

Obsessed [book: one] // ThiamWhere stories live. Discover now