Chapter 08

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The rooms that were once filled with drunk, sweaty bodies, are now basically empty. There is still a handful of people in each room, but they're the people who always love to overstay their invite. I click my phone to display the time; 12:37am. Scott and the others left about an hour ago, but I told them I would stay, as I was Corey and Mason's designated driver.  

I stopped drinking alcohol about 2 hours ago and I've only been drinking water since then, so I'm hoping I'm going to be sober enough to drive. As everyone starts to leave the party, the room gets emptier and emptier. The lacrosse team left about thirty minutes ago and my last remaining friends are just about to walk out the door. 

I go into the kitchen where I find Corey and Mason laughing, pouring another drink. I grab their cups, setting them on the bench and shaking my head. I grab both their arms, but they pull back, trying to escape my grip. They stumble behind me, too weak to break loose and too drunk to use their other arm to free themselves. 

"Why are we leaving? You're such a party pooper!" Mason yells through his tears that started out of nowhere. 

"Come on Liam, the parties still going! I thought we were staying until it finished," Corey yelled at me, tearing up as I dragged him out the door. 

"Corey, look at the time! We need to get back home now and get some sleep. Stop complaining and just get in the damn car," I yell at him, dragging him along beside me. 

He drags his feet like a three year old, clearly not wanting to go home yet. Mason on the other hand, he doesn't want to go home, but he isn't stupid enough to fight back. Even though he may be drunk, he still knows that I can beat them both. 

After the short walk that felt longer than what it actually was, we finally reach the car. I put Corey in the back and Mason in front, which Corey doesn't like at all, but I just ignore his constant whining. 

I look over the road and see Theo standing there, his head down looking at his phone. I look at Mason and Corey, noticing that they both had their eyes closed and would definitely be asleep any minute now. I lock the car- just to be on the safe side- and run over to Theo. 

"Hey man," I smile, shaking his hand and giving him a hug. "Like the party?"

"Yeah, it was a lot different to the old ones I went to. Pretty big though, she clearly knows how to get peoples attention," he laughs nervously, checking his phone every few seconds. 

"Yeah, she definitely does. Throws some of the best parties in beacon hills, of course she doesn't throw the best of the best though," I inform him, watching as the last few people leave Hayden's place. 

"Who does that title belong to then? Because everyone seemed to love that party," he laughed, looking confused. 

"That title belongs to, Lydia Martin. She's throwing a party in a few weeks, you should come and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about," I tell him. 

He laughs nervously again, looking at his phone again. I smack my lips together, waiting for the awkward silence to pass through. I check the time again; 12:45 am. My eyes open wider. It feels a lot later than what it actually is. 

"You driving home?" I ask Theo, filling the awkward silence in with small talk. 

"Waiting for my sister to pick me up," he tells me, staring at his phone. 

"Hey, look man I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. I didn't think anyone was going to walk into Hayden's room and I'm really sorry you had to see that," I tell him.

"No, it's all good. My fault for walking in I guess," he looks up at me, smiling as he puts his phone in his pocket. "Are you guys dating though?"

I shake my head and laugh, wondering if I should tell him the whole story or spare his time and just skip to the chase. Honestly, I don't even know why I kissed her back. She broke my heart and I let her kiss me like that. My fault for being stupid I guess. 

"No, we use to date but I don't know what that was. She's not really my type anyways," I inform him. 

"Fair enough then," his smile grows the slightest bit more. 

I smile back and laugh, running my hands through my hair. I go to ask him a question, but just before I can get a word out, I slightly jump at the sound of a car horn. I look at Mason's car across the road, rolling my eyes as Mason and Corey honk the horn and yell at me to hurry up. 

"I should probably get going. I'll see you tomorrow," I wave goodbye as I run across the road. 

"Took your time. We've been waiting all night," Mason tells me, shaking his head as I get in. 

"Shut up," I say, turning the volume up. 

I pull out of the car park, looking at Theo as he stands there, waving to me as I drive off. I have this voice in the back of my head, telling me to turn around and wait for his ride to get there, but another part tells me not to. I look at Mason and see that his eyes are closed again. 

I don't even have to look at Corey to know that he's still awake, because I can hear his pathetic attempt at singing. I look back in the mirror, watching as Theo gets further and further away. There's something about him I can't seem to forget. 

On the long drive home, he's all that I can think about. There's something there between us, but I still can't figure out what it is. 

Hi, sorry I haven't upload in a week. I've been trying to catch up on school work and I got another job, so I haven't really found a routine that works yet. Anyways, enjoy this short piece of crap whilst I go and work on something better. Love you all xx

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