Chapter 07

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I lost sight of Theo as soon as he walked in. He blended right in with the crowd and within seconds, he had pulled a disappearing act. I don't go look for him, but I definitely keeping an eye out for him.

I go back into the kitchen and pour myself another drink, smiling as both Mason and Corey approach me. There's a smile on both their faces and they're holding hands, which just makes me smile that little bit extra. They pour themselves a drink and come over next to me, starting a conversation with me.

"Why aren't you dancing with all the hot girls, Liam!" Mason shouts, making a disgusted face at the words 'hot girls'.

I laugh and roll my eyes, smiling as both Corey and Mason laugh. Their hands are still entwined with one another and now when they look at each other, they still laugh. I can tell by the way Mason is speaking, he's had a little too much to drink. He's not completely gone yet, but he's on the verge of getting completely drunk.

"I guess they don't want to dance with me!" I shout back.

"Why not?" Corey asks me, looking genuinely curious.

I laugh at his question, patting his back as I take another sip of my drink. I look over to my left as Hayden comes towards us, taking my hand and dragging me off. I hear Mason and Corey cheering and laughing in the background. I turn around to them, raising my eyebrows as Hayden takes me upstairs.

I know where she's leading me, but I don't know why she's taking me there. We walk down to the end of the hallway and go inside the last room. Haydens room. I step inside and look around, admiring how much it's changed. It's a lot more mature now, more designer.

I sit on her bed, looking at the pictures on her bedside table. I stare at the photo of us two, smiling slightly, remembering the day her sister took this photo of us.

It was our first official day of dating. We went to the beach together with her sister and took a bunch of photos. Out of the hundreds we took, this was the only really decent one. It was actually a really good day, up until it started pouring rain and Hayden's sister lost her keys, so we had to spend hours in the rain looking for them.

We all ended up being sick for a couple days, but we got over it and the memory lives on to be a good one. I place the photo frame down, confused as to when I actually picked it up. I look up at the ceiling, admiring the photos and fake plants hanging from her ceiling, giving the whole room more of a homey vibe.

"Liam," I hear Hayden whisper as she stands over me.

I stand up and look down at her, knowing exactly where this is going to lead. Everything slows down as she starts leaning in closer. I think about all the memories from last year, the good and the bad, I think about whether this is a good idea or not, I think about how Hayden is actually drunk and probably isn't thinking straight. By the time I stop thinking, our lips have connected and all the thoughts that were racing in my mind, have now disappeared completely.

I pull her in closer to me, deepening the kiss. She opens her mouth up slightly, allowing me to slip my tongue into her mouth. We move in sync, moving our hands up and down each others body. I run my hands up and down her back, eventually making it to the bottom of her hair, which I slightly pulled on.

She brings her hand to my face, holding it as she stands up on her tippy toes, trying to gain more height. She moves her hand up slightly, reaching my hair line and pulling on my hair. I go to deepen the kiss even more, but I hear a creak outside the door. I go to pull away, but it's too late. Someone is already in the room, standing at the door.

I look over to the door and instantly feel sick. Theo stands there, looking at us both with a look of mixed emotions. He gives me an awkward smile, running his hands through his hair.

"Sorry, someone told me the bathroom was the last door of the hallway," he explains, quickly exiting the door and slamming it behind me.

I stand there breathlessly, reliving the past five minutes of what just happened. I never should have come to this stupid party and I definitely shouldn't have kissed Hayden. She grabs my face again and leans in, but instead of kissing her back, this time I gently push her off me. I look back to the door way where Theo stood only seconds ago.

The look on his face was hard to read, but it was a look between hurt, disgust and somewhat happiness. It was like he was happy that we were kissing, disgusted that he had to witness it and hurt by us kissing? Or maybe hurt that people lied to him about where the bathroom was. I don't know, but it was definitely a mix of all those emotions or something like them.

"Shall we continue?" Hayden asks me, giggling as she bites her bottom lip and traces her hand on my chest.

I smile and push her hand off me gently, smiling down at her as she continues to laugh. She is definitely drunk right now and she probably doesn't even know what she's doing right now. She probably won't even remember this tomorrow morning and everything will just go back to how it was between us. Not that I really want anything to change between us. I do want a friendship though, but I can also go without one. It's probably healthier that way.

"No," I whisper, picking her up and placing her on the bed.

I unbuckle her shoes and place them on the ground next to her bed. I help her sit up and unzip her tight dress. Before I take it off, I go through her draws and get her some shorts and an oversized shirt. I help her put on the shorts first, struggling quite a bit, but getting there in the end.

She looks at me and smiles, closing her eyes as she starts to fall asleep. She lifts up her arms, helping me out as I take off her dress. I quickly grabbed her shirt and put it over her arms and head. She lays back down, her eyes still closed and not looking like they're going to open again at all tonight.

I go into her bathroom and grab some of her makeup wipes. I sit beside her on the bed, gently wiping away the makeup on her face. I carefully take off her false lashes, trying not to pull them too hard or fast. I continue to wipe away her makeup, brushing the hair off her face as I do so.

She rolls over to her side, cuddling into her blanket. I sit there for a couple more minutes, admiring how beautiful she truly is. I look back over to the photo of us, a sadness suddenly crushes me. I stand up, placing the photo down so that I didn't have to look at it anymore.

"I'm really sorry for how things ended," I whisper, turning around to look at her one last time.

She sleeps peacefully, dead to the world and the party going on right below her. I go over to the door and enter the hallway, wiping away the tears on my cheeks. I take a deep breath in and smile, walking down the stairs and joining the party once more.

Everything that happened in the past thirty minutes was now forgotten. At least for now anyways.

Hii!! I'm going to India at the beginning of next year and I'm really excited to go, but I absolutely hate flying! Also, supernatural finally started up again and I absolutely loved the first episode! How have you all been? xx

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