Chapter 41

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I wake up to the sound of rain on the roof. I open my eyes and look outside through the gap of the window. The sky is grey, dark and filled with clouds, heavy rain falls to the ground. I rest on my stomach, watching as the rain trails down the window.

I've always liked rain, but a few years ago, I worked up a fear for it. In fact, my fear of rain is what got me into drawing. I was too scared to leave the house whenever it was raining, I couldn't even go onto the deck without freaking out, so I spent most of my time inside during the colder seasons.

I had nothing to do and after repeating the cycle of food, watching movies and playing video games, it all go very boring, very quickly. I decided to take up a new hobby and drawing wasn't something I was considering.

I tried to get into reading, even joined a bookclub (that was a total bust), I tried to start cooking, which did not go as planned. The amount of times my mom had to get out the fire extinguisher still baffles me. I tried poetry and let me tell you this... that is a lot harder than I ever expected. I also even tried photography. Drawing was a last resort... and now it's my biggest passion.

"Morning," Theo speaks, his voice deep and raspy.

"Morning sleepy head," I place a kiss on his forehead before paying attention to the rain again.

"I thought it was suppose to be a nice day today," he says disappointedly, frowning at the sight of outside. "Oh well, more time to stay inside."

He grabs me and pulls me closer towards him, wrapping his arms around me and resting his neck into the crook of my neck. I smile, running my hands through his hair as we lay here, just the two of us, not a worry in the world.

He groans slightly as he stretches, burying his face further into my neck, gripping me tighter as he does so. A smile spreads across my face like a wild fire as I look down at him, still bemused that this right here... this is my boyfriend. I get to be lucky enough to call this man mine and that still amazes me.

"I don't want to," he muffles into my neck.

"Don't want to what?" I laugh slightly.

"Go," he replies. "But I really do need to go."

He lets go of and suddenly I feel cold and alone. I reach out for his arm, but he's already out of reach. He grabs his hoodie and throws it on, walking back over to the bed and placing a kiss on my lips. I feel all the air being push out of me, like someone is squeezing me and not allowing me to inhale it all back it.

My chest begins to burn and my heart begins to race. I look back outside, the rain is still heavy and it's far too dangerous to drive around in this whether. I would know all about that.

"It's raining though, Theo." I quickly say, my speech rushed and my voice higher than anticipated. "Just wait until it dies down a little or stops. I'm sure it'll stop soon."

"I really need to go, I'm sorry. I need to be somewhere," he pouts out his bottom lip, kissing my hand before walking away.

"Theo!" I quickly shout out, my eyes filling with tears. "Please just wait until the rain stops, please. I am begging you to just wait it out."

I hear my voice shake as I yell out to him, my heart now racing out of my chest. Theo looks down at me with a worried expression, running back over to the bed to stop me from hyperventilating and completely losing it all.

He gets back underneath the blankets and embraces me in a hug, kissing the top of my head as we lay there in silence, the tears falling down my face. It's been awhile since I've had a panic attack like that before.

Normally it happens before my mom goes to work or I have to take a bus to school whilst it's raining. It doesn't always happen either. Some days I can travel in the ran with no problems, but other days, like today, I can't bare the thought of myself or anyone else travelling in these conditions.

"It's okay," he whispers, wiping the tears off my cheeks. "I'll stay, no need to worry about it."

I lay in his lap for a little longer, calming myself down. He runs his hand through my hair, humming slightly and placing kisses on my cheek and forehead. I pull myself back together and sit back up, wiping the remaining tears and giving Theo a forced smile.

"You alright now?" He speaks softly, stroking my cheek with his thumb.

I nod my head in response, closing my eyes as I press my face into his hands. He stands up, kissing my forehead and going over to the DVD player. He looks through the movie draw, scoffs and puts one of the movies into the DVD player.

"What are we watching?" I ask, intrigued as he comes to sit back down next to me.

"Only the best movie to ever be made," he tells me, turning on the TV with a grin on his face.

As soon as the TV is on, I know exactly what movie he's put on by the theme song. Harry Potter. I wait for the movie title to come up, to know exactly which one, but knowing Theo, it'll either be the 3rd or 4th one.

"Prisoner of Azkaban," I say, rolling my eyes. "How'd I know."

"Because you love me and know me oh so well," he flutters his eyes, smiling.

I take another look outside, hoping to see the rain easing up but with my life, it's only managed to get heavier. I lay down on Theo's chest, watching the movie.

I use to love Harry Potter as a child, but I grew out of it when I was around 13. I still like it and I'll watch it if it's ever on the TV, but I would never just randomly watch it. Theo on the other hand, he's obsessed with it.

He know every single character, he made me take the Pottermore test (I'm a Hufflepuff), he knows everything about it, he's read all the books and seen all the movies multiple times. He can basically quote the movies word from word and it's honestly quite impressive.

"I love this part," Theo whispers, his face lighting up as he watches the TV intensely.

It's the boggart scene when they have to face their biggest fear and of course, Harry has trouble facing his, so Lupin has to come in and save the day.

Theo's phone suddenly starts ringing and the smile that was on his face only seconds ago, suddenly vanishes. I sit up and look at his confused, he forces a smile and quickly leaves the room, answering the phone.

I move to the end of the bed, waiting for Theo to return. Another five minutes go by until he returns, a smile on his face, but fear in his eyes. He walks over to me, placing a kiss on my lips and then another kiss on my forehead.

"I really need to go now babe," he tells him, his speech rushed and his eyes darting around the room. "I'll call you when I get home."

"Wait, Theo... what's going on?" I chase after him, trying to understand what's happening.

"Nothing, I'm fine. Tara just wants me home and I promised her I would be there to help her with dinner." He tells me, putting on his shoes and opening the front door.

My heart suddenly drops as I look out at the rain. I feel a lump form in the back of my throat but I push it down, refusing to allow myself to cry in-front of Theo again.

"I'll be safe. Stop worrying," he rubs my arm, giving me a warm smile.

I nod my head, unsure of what to say or do. I don't want Theo driving in these conditions and he already knows that, but it's not stopping him. Clearly there's something else going on that he either doesn't want to tell me or he isn't ready to tell me.

He waves goodbye and closes the door. I watch as he runs down to his car, driving off and leaving me alone once more.

I slowly slide down the door, the lump coming back but this time I don't try and push it down. This time I let the tears fall down my face, like the rain falls down on the ground.

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