Chapter 10

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I jump back as the bacon starts spitting, hitting all up my arm. Mason laughs as he watches me, sipping his coffee. Corey on the other hand, he still hasn't moved since last night and he honestly doesn't look like he's going to be moving anytime soon.

Considering how much he drank last night and that he doesn't even remember what he was drinking, I don't blame him for not being able to function. I take the bacon off the source pan and place it on a plate, taking it over to the table with all the other food.

"I'll go and get Corey," Mason tells me, running up the stairs.

I place all the food in the middle of the table and set the table up, sitting down and getting my breakfast ready. I look over to the stairs, watching as Corey slowly comes down the stairs, dragging his feet. He rubs his eyes, yawning as he sits down next to Mason.

He grabs a piece of bacon and eats it, moaning as he does so. I laugh and start eating my breakfast. I check my phone incase my parents have texted me, which to no surprise, they still haven't. I put my phone away, trying to shake the feeling of worry.

"So, how was everyones night?" Mason asks us, more so directing the question to Corey. He looks up at Mason and grunts, giving him the answer we were expecting. "What about you, Liam?"

I pause, chewing the food in my mouth. I think back to the party, back to Hayden and that whole situation. I chew my food slower, stalling for time as I think about what to tell Mason and Corey. I trust them and want to tell them about the kiss, but I don't know if I should tell them just yet. It's not something that I want to share, or at least not right now.

"Well, Hayden and I spoke. That was kind of awkward and then she took me to her room, which I was confused about and I didn't like where things were going..." I take a pause, thinking about my next words carefully.

If I lie, Mason will be able to tell straight away. But if I tell the truth, I'm sure he'll be just as disappointed in me, as I am. It's not like I enjoyed the kiss or anything, but it's also not like I pulled away straight away. I honestly don't even know why I went into her room in the first place.

It's my fault for being stupid in the first place.

"And then we just continued talking. I think she misses me, because she was bringing up old memories and all that, but I think she caught on pretty much straight away that I'm not interested anymore. Especially after what happened and what she did to me." Mason places his fork on his place, giving me an empathetic look.

"I know it was hard for you and I'm sure you really miss her, but you can never get back with her. She literally tore your heart in two and I don't ever wanna see that again. It was too heartbreaking and you reminded me of a puppy who just got yelled at," I know he's just trying to make me feel better, but it's honestly made me feel worse.

I suddenly lose my appetite, not wanting to think about the kiss and having to lie to my best friend about it. I push my food around on my plate, waiting for Corey and Mason to finish up eating.

I think about how Mason will feel if I don't tell him about Hayden. When Corey lied to him it broke him and I was there for him, just as he was for me. If he finds out that I lied, I don't think he'll ever forgive me or fully trust me again, and that's not even me exaggerating.

I can't lose my best friend over this, but I also can't tell him the truth. I ponder in my thoughts, hoping one of them will lead to all my answers.

"Come on!" I yell, pushing the buttons faster.

"Come on, Mason!" Corey yells, whooping as Mason starts beating me up.

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