22. The end of the beginning

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Streaks of bright light dodged their way through the dark and damp boughs of trees. A light breeze tickled them around and about, causing a rustle to be produced in the air. The slowly drying brown leaves crunched under the weight of Autumn's feet and the tip of the cane as she found her way back to the mansion.

She idled ahead- her mind lost in another land. The land that was now filled with nothing but answers. Answers that made her happy, yet nervous. Nervous, because she didn't know what to expect from everyone else.

How will they react to the news? What would they think?

Autumn shook her thoughts away and instead of worrying about the reaction her friends might convey, she let her mind wander back to the past. She had just gotten a lot of answers to her questions. She would not let other questions appear. The words Maria had written in the letter came back to her and she thought over every event and occurrence in the past.


I always came out alive and barely harmed. It was because John kept protecting me and will do the same for you or anyone else related to him or his loved ones. Either by blood or bond.

John protected me in many ways and always helped me and warned me. When I needed to hide something, he would take over my body. When harm was on its way, he would make me aware of it. He was always there fighting for me.


John had protected Autumn from the very beginning. He had done the same for Talia, Raymond, Kaylee and Adam. They were all related to Autumn by bond and he had kept them alive until Autumn came to save them from the void they had been thrown into.

John had been the one who made her pick up his diary and read it instead of any other book in the library.

He had been the one who asked for help in her dreams, knowing that Autumn, his granddaughter, would freed him.

He had been the one who took her back to his past so she could envision everything instead of just staying blacked out after the evil harmed her.

He was the one who put thoughts into her mind and words in her mouth, just so she could reveal the possibilities and hidden truths to her friends.

John had been the one who took over Autumn's body when she rearranged the books in the library to open the trap door of the attic.

He had been the one who brought her out of the labyrinths of horror and into the right direction, even if she got hurt in the end.

He was the one who guided her to the cabin of Maria and Katherine Acton, so she could learn about almost all of his past life. About how he had been deceived by the people around him, especially Rose Vane, or better yet, Rose O'Neil.

John had been the one who gave her the strength to live through her friends' worst experiences when the evil was latched on her back, trying to stop her from making things right.

He had been the one who returned the back pack to his granddaughter along with everything she had lost; everything that mattered.

John had been there all along. Protecting her. Warning her. Helping her. Saving her.

All he wanted in return was freedom and peace.

The coldness in her chest had always been him; warning her before something bad was about to happen. She had taken some time to come to terms with this, but now she knew. It often came, if not always, when someone was about to get hurt, or if something unusual was about to go down. It had been a warning. A sign that gave her time to be cautious. A feeling that hammered and buzzed inside her- telling her to or not to do something.

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