7. Interpretation

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"We can't leave."

Autumn was met with confused faces.

"What do you mean? We have to leave. We can't stay here! Where's Raymond? Ray!"

Adam suddenly stood up and walked over to the stairs, calling his friend's name.

"Adam, stop!" Autumn croaked as she slowly got up. She massaged her pounding head and walked over to her frightened friend. She placed a firm hand on his shoulder and turned him around to look at her. Before Autumn could utter a single word, Adam asked the one question she didn't know how to answer.

"What is happening, Autie?"

His voice was small and his eyes were filled with panic. Kaylee also came and stood next to her fiancé, her gaze questioning. Autumn sighed and looked away from their unwavering eyes. She sat down on the floor and urged her friends to do the same. They both looked at each other and sat down with slight reluctance.

"Come on. There's... something I need to tell you guys. I saw something when I was out. I don't know what it was, but it was weird."

Her friends frowned. "You saw something?"

Autumn nodded and started rambling without knowing, "Yeah. This might sound weird, but it was like someone or something wanted to show me something? I don't know why. Seriously, who would want me to see anything? I don’t understand. So, there was a room. I was in this room and I think it was one of those rooms here that is locked. You know, the rooms we couldn't get into. Anyways, it was dark and there was a wardrobe there. I saw and heard things in that wardrobe. It was like watching a movie. Like, someone's life story. Someone’s biography ma- "

"Autumn! Autie, hey. Calm down, okay? You're confused and you're confusing us too. How about you take a deep breath and tell us then."

Autumn let out a breath she was holding and nodded at Adam. She took deep breaths to calm her pounding heart down and smiled a small smile to reassure her friends.

She then opened her mouth and proceeded to tell her friends everything she saw, everything she heard, everything she felt. She saw multiple emotions flashing over their faces: confusion, shock, horror, surprise, but not once did she stop with her tale-telling. Once she was finished, she let out a relieved sigh, her shoulders sagging.

Autumn looked up and saw her friends deep in thoughts. Both of them were silent and it bothered Autumn. She fidgeted with her fingers and then groaned.

"Please say something."

Adam sighed, "I don't know what to say. What happened is quite unusual. You had some visions about someone's story, I believe it’s John, and I believe that you're right; someone was trying to show all of that to you. What I don't understand is, what? What did it want you to see? To understand? To figure out? And why is it even showing something like this? Nothing makes sense."

Kaylee nodded, "Adam's right. We don't know what is happening here. What you saw is just making things more confusing. All there's left is the what's and why's."

"I know. I don't know why I saw what I saw. I don't know why everything is happening to us. I don't know what’s going on. And..." Autumn trailed on.

"And, what?"

"I-I don't know where Talia and Raymond are."

"What?" Kaylee asked.

“All I know is that something happened to both of them. I thought Talia would have left, but I don’t believe that now. Raymond’s suddenly gone as well and I don’t know where they are.”

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