knee socks/ beginning

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"i got a feeling i might have lit the very fuse, you were trying not to light"

"so you're saying you're an ugly crier?" he questions while sipping on his drink. i shake my head in denial.

"no no sir not an ugly crier, i'm a loud crier. draws too much attention and that's bad." i quip back at him gulping down the bit of my drink i had left and slammed the glass on the bar signaling the bartender over for another round.

he just cocks his brow giving me a lazy smile and tugs at my hand. i raise my eyes to his to see if i can understand what he wants.  "come on" he points to the dance floor and i chuckle.

"no way, i will make a fool out of myself harry." i nod off his command for me to go to the dance floor.

i don't dance, unless i'm at home listening to the beatles or something. i will never dance in public and you can count on that.

the bartender pushes my glass back towards me and i nod at him thanking him before grabbing it and i take a sip.

"no, come on you're coming with me" he commands his voice assertive and thick with a very odd demeanor that would have some girls trembling but i just push the glass to lips once more.

Stubborn is the way to go ladies. if you say no and the man pushes it be stubborn.

He stands up, his black ankle boots hitting the ground with a thud, his black skinny jeans clinging tightly to his hips and his legs.

no no eyes up faith.

"you're coming with me" his voice dark as his lips press against my ear and his voice crushing my stronghold on my senses.

he grabs my hand forceful but not hard enough to hurt me and pulls me with him to the center of the floor.

there has been a question gurgling around my mind and that's why isn't he dressed up like everyone else?

that question hasn't left my mind since he bloody stole my drink almost an hour ago.

he's moving his hips to the sound of the music and i'm completely drunk. the whiskey has fully taken over my mind.

Blurring the line between what's reality and what's playing in my head. that's a very dangerous state for me to be in.

one minute i was on the bar stool, the next i'm in the middle of a rip current being sucked into the sin of people that are complete strangers.

i let him touch me, and i'm not repulsing. it's because of the alcohol, i push that thought to everything that tries to contradict it.

Harry's hands are on my hips and he's using his large hands to sway my hips back and forth against his crotch.

i should have left, when he let go of me awhile ago. if i would have then i wouldn't be basically riding his dick through his pants. i should have left. i shouldn't have gave in when he offered to buy me drinks to get me even more waisted.

i close my eyes and just let the moment happen because god knows what's going to happen if conner sees this and i don't want to hear him teasing me that i let a guy touch me that i hadn't even met before tonight.

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