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*whining and dining do what i gotta do i know you love that lovey shit so i'll just pretend for you"

*4 years later*

"hey conner, if you don't stop digging this damn needle in my arm more than you have to i'm gonna grab it and shove it up your ass" i seethe as i wince in pain.

i told conner i wanted a new tattoo. he's practicing to be a tattoo artist and i was his canvas. very bad mistake, he thinks human torture is art.

"shut up, faith. you know you like it" he winked at me and pressed the needle deeper into my skin.

i swear to you he is doing this on purpose, he definitely gets self pleasure from hurting me. it's what gets him off at night. that sly bastard.

"have you talked to that harry fellow?" he asked me.

harry. i haven't heard his name since he disappeared 4 years ago. the night he took me home and kissed me was the last time i've seen or heard from him. no text, no calls, no nothing. i knew something like that would happen, but i don't know why it crushed me so bad. i didn't have feelings for him. or at least i didn't think i did.

"no i haven't, and i don't want to. he's a dick." i reply with a low voice. he made up his mind, i just wish i knew if i did something to make him disappear on me. if it was my fault.

of course it was my fault. it's always my fault.

i can't tell you how long i cried, when he never called me. even Cujo was sad. But what i don't understand is why. why did i cry? i had just met him that night. it's not like i was in love with him. i just think it was because he made my mind quiet, he made everything around me quiet.

there was just something about his scent, something about his hair, and don't get me started on the way his eyes could look directly into your soul piercing your brittle heart and adding something there that you've never felt before. i can't quite put my finger on the way it made me feel or what it means, but i know someday i will and hopefully i can understand it.

our last conversation was him telling me i kissed like a pubescent little teenage boy, and i told him he kissed like a girl who couldn't keep boys out of her skirt. maybe i should have been nicer? "ha" i laughed making conner give me a strange look "faith you're actually losing your mind" he tutted while focusing on the four letter word he is tattooing on my forearm. "H.A.T.E" in the same green shade as the Monarchy sign.

"i can't lose something that i lost a long time ago love" i snickered and looked back at the green shaded tattoo. Monarchy is a place i haven't been back to since that night. Only because i have worked nonstop, trying to save up for a new typewriter if you wanted to know. It has nothing to do with the fact that it was the place i met harry, it's just because i have no free time anymore.

Conner gets Cujo in the morning until i get off work so he isn't alone, then i come home and shower, eat 1-2 hot pockets and watch the office reruns and then i sleep, then the next day is the same bullshit. i never catch a break anymore, but hey that's life right?

"i need a break, drilling into your skin is working up an appetite" conner proclaimed as he wiped his forehead with the back of his arm. "that's nothing new, you could look at someone running and you get hungry, you're a bottomless pit" i roll my eyes.

he sticks out his lower lip as if i hurt his feelings. "faith, i'm not a bottomless pit, i have a black hole for a stomach" he suckered.

"it's the same god damn thing you dumbass" i playfully smack his arm and scowl at the pain that shot through my arm. he really roughed me up.

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