whiskey/ beginning

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"lay where you're laying. don't make a sound. i know they're watching. they're watching."

Miranda coated the lipstick on and did a once over before she smiled in pleasure.

she held up a small hand held mirror and my eyes went huge when i saw the finishing look. i didn't even recognize myself.

she had completely covered the circles under my eyes that indicate that i don't sleep as well as i should, she fixed my eyebrows that needed done very badly.

all i could say is that i was impressed. genuinely impressed.

"it- it looks good" i stutter still looking at my reflection.

conner claps his hands together and looks at himself on last time pushing his hair away from his face.

"now, are we ready ladies?" he questions with a sinister glare. i've only seen that look on him when he was drinking heavily and tonight i have a feeling he will be, as will i.

"ready as i'll ever be" i grimace at the fact i'm actually going, swallowing my dignity and standing up balancing myself out because of the heels.

i kissed cujos head and started walking towards the front door. "yes can you come fix my friends door? what happened to it? jackie chan got ahold of it and it's on half a hinge. alright see ya." i heard conner say as i turn around and look at him.

"who was that?" i seethe.

"babe don't fret, that was maintenance. while we are at monarchy they are coming to fix your door." he lets the sentence roll off his tongue like it's nothing.

i appreciate his gesture but i was plenty capable of fixing it myself.

"just come on faith." he smiles innocently and i walk towards his car and we both wave at miranda who was getting in hers.

"meet ya there babe" conner cheered. she said bye and started her car and pulled out of the parking lot.

i am in for a long night i can already tell, just by the incident with the door.

i open the car door and sit down and reach for my buckle. i sigh and lean my head back against the seat and close my eyes praying that some how i can pull off pretending to have fun.

this is all for conner. no self pleasure is coming from me leaving my house. at all.

conner starts the engine and pulls out. i stare out the window and suck in a deep breath realizing it's actually happening. there is no backing out.

"conner do you think something is wrong with me?" i blabber our wishing i could suck the words back in because i didn't want to show any vulnerability.

But it was already said and there is not taking it back but i know i'm about to get a verbal smack to the face. i turn my head to stare blankly at the dash board.

i feel conner staring at me and i can tell i'm in for an ear full.

"faith there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. you are amazing and so selfless and i wouldn't trade you for the world. i know you've been through so much in your life but that makes you who you are. you are so much more than whatever you are battling up here" he points to my head and i let out a small breath not realizing i was holding it in.

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