Chapter 27

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five years later

Luca: Daddy! Can you teach me how to fight?

Ren: Please!

Lucario: Both of you are too young!

Renamon: I don't know, I think that would be a great for them.

Lucario: They are only five years old!

Luca: Thanks mommy!

Ren: Thank you!

Lucario: Hey! I didn't say yes!

Renamon: but it would seem you have been outvoted three to one.

Lucario: sigh...Fine!

Ren: Yay! Thank you for convincing daddy Renamon!

Lucario: What about me? I am the one going to be training you.

luca: aw... I thought mommy was going to train us...

Lucario: Renamon...what is going on...they don't love me...

Renamon: That's not true. They do love you. It's just that you can't just tell them what they can or can't do.

Lucario: Luca! Ren! Do you want to train? It's with me.

Ren: what if...luca trains with you...and I train with mommy... and then we see who's training is better with a friendly battle...

Renamon: You are still a viximon! sure you have grown up since you were born but as a viximon...I don't know... thought a friendly battle is still a good Idea.

Luca: Why do you get to train with mommy?! I want to train with her!

Renamon: Ok Luca. I will train with you.

Lucario winces and just feels hurt and his ears droop

Lucario sadly: If anyone needs me...I'll be outside...

Lucario walks outside of the cave

Lucario: why?... Am I a bad father?... All I wanted was for them to be happy...

Ren had followed lucario and heard him and really felt bad

Ren:...Daddy? Could you train me?...I know I am just a viximon...But I will work hard...

Lucario: What about with Renamon?

Ren shakes his head

Ren: Mommy said no... Please train me...

Lucario and Ren look at each other for a while

Lucario: Well...ok. But you have to do what I tell you to do.

Ren: I will! I promise!

Lucario: Then you must eat ALL of your vegetables tonight.

Ren: I mean just for training! Not forever!

Lucario: It's part of you training. Do it and I will not only help you train but I will help you evolve.

Ren: It's Digivolve! Pokemon evolve! Digimon Digivolve! I am a digimon!

Lucario rubs Ren's head

Lucario: You are half Pokemon and half Digimon. You do remind me of your mother though.

Ren blushes and turns away: I know.

Lucario: I shall teach you something that I haven't shown Renamon.

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