Chapter 14

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(Real quick before this chapter starts, make sure you read the author's note at the end of the chapter!)

Levi's POV

The incoherent chattering of people in the airport was deafening, as I walked with my head hung low. I was dressed very differently than I normally would be, to prevent any paparazzi or media people to recognize or bother me. Erwin insisted that he come with me, or at least a bodyguard, but I declined. I wanted to visit by myself.

I checked the silver watch on my right wrist, and its face read 8:37. So, Eren would definitely be at work by now. I remember how excited he was, just a few days ago, when he succeeded in training and was finally ready to officially start working. He's so adorable when he gets all excited.

I had called an Uber under a fake profile, so I wouldn't be recognized. They would be here in about a minute. So, I waited outside the airport until their black SUV pulled up to the pick-up area.

I visualized Eren's soon-to-be-surprised face in my head and couldn't help but blush some. I couldn't wait to see him.

The car ride wasn't too long. About 30 minutes or so. I was on my phone for the first couple of minutes, assuring Erwin I had arrived in Maria safely and unrecognized. Mike and Hanji had also texted me in our group chat, both asking me if I got here okay and telling me to say 'Hi' to Eren. Mike used to not really care about Eren but once I told them both more about him, he seemed cool about him. I'm glad about that.

After those 30 minutes, I arrived at the front of Maria Coffee House. I could feel severe butterflies in my stomach as I stepped out of the Uber after thanking the driver. Through the window, I could see Eren at the front, making a customer's coffee order. His back was faced towards me, so I couldn't see his face. I walked in the door, and the customer he was serving was walking out the door behind me.

Eren had turned around, but was looking down at the front counter, writing something on a piece of paper. I walked all the way up to the counter, and I assumed he acknowledged that there was a new customer waiting to be served. He kept his head down as he spoke, "Welcome to Maria Coffee House, what can I get started for y-" He looked up mid-sentence and recognized me through my "disguise".

"Levi!" Eren gasped excitedly as he walked around the counter, and I was met with the feeling of arms wrapped around my body. The hug I was engulfed in was like a protective and warm blanket wrapped around every curve and edge of my body. "Eren.." I whispered but my voice muffled by Eren's shoulder, my frame being much shorter compared to his.

He pulled away from the hug and looked at me with the widest smile on his face. His face then held a worried and slightly embarrassed expression as he realized how loudly he had said my name. "Oh- sorry..." He whispered behind the hand he had covering his mouth. "It's fine. I don't think anyone was paying attention," I assured him. He uncovered his mouth and spoke, "It's so good to see you! One second, let me see if I can get someone to cover for me for a little bit."

He walked back behind the counter, and into a staff room. Only a couple seconds later, a tall, dark-haired male with a face drowning in freckles emerged from the room along with Eren. Eren came back over to me and said, "We can go sit somewhere, if you want."

"That's Marco," Eren gestured to the guy taking his place at the counter. "He's really nice. His boyfriend through, he's a jerk. We're all in the same psych class," he said as he looked back at me. He still had the widest and most joyful grin spread across his face. I sharply exhaled through my nose to hint amusement.

"Anyways," Eren spoke again, "How are you?" After he asked me the question, I heard him mumble to himself, "I can't believe you're here..."

"I'm doing good. Even better now that I'm here." I grinned. I noticed a warm smile tug at the corners of Eren's mouth. He quickly sniffled and fidgeted with the hair tie on his wrist. I watched him do it for a second, and noticed a faint, scattered trail of freckles that ran up his arms and I assumed to his shoulders. He also had very light freckles dusting his nose and cheeks. "Uhm. I can go see if I can have the rest of my shift off. I only have like twenty minutes left, anyway."

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