Chapter 16

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Eren's POV

Levi. Kissed. Me. The Levi Ackerman just kissed me.

After our lips parted I sat there, completely dumbfounded. I saw a slight gleam of panic in Levi's eyes and he said, "I'm so sorry, Eren-  I shouldn't have j-" But I interrupted him with another kiss. I could feel his lips forming into a smile, and mine did the same. We then sat there for a while, my head on his shoulder. We listened to the gentle crash of the waves in front of us.

A little time passed, and we decided to start walking back. Levi was close enough to me where I could feel his arm brush against mine every once in a while. I inched my hand closer to his, where my fingers eventually met his and they interlocked. Knowing that Levi is mine... woah. That's something.

Levi and I chatted on the way home and we eventually reached my front door, which I unlocked while still holding his hand. We went in, and Levi let go of my hand to reach for his phone in his pocket. I guess someone had texted him or something.

"Erwin texted me," he said, as if he could hear my thoughts. "What did he say?" I asked. "He's just making sure I'm still okay. Telling me I need to be back soon," he responded. "How soon?" He just got here... I don't want him to leave so soon... "Wow, you really want me out that bad?" He joked. "But really, I have until tomorrow." So only today and then we'll be separated again.

The two of us thought about how to spend the rest of the day together, and somehow we ended up just sitting on the couch, chatting. Levi had his back against the arm of the couch, and I laid between his legs with the back of my head resting on his chest. "So.. since we're like.. together now. What if the like paparazzi is like "Ooh Levi's dating a normal person" "Oh my God who is this Levi's dating"? Are they annoying like that?" I asked. "I mean.. sometimes they're like all up in your business but I don't think they'll be annoying with us. It's not that weird for a "celebrity" to date a... not celebrity. Ugh.. I don't even like calling myself a celebrity." He said. "You deserve it, though." I smirked and tilted my head up so I lightly pecked his chin. I gently nuzzled the back of my head further into his chest.

This is nice... just us talking. I feel like we're moving just a little fast, though.

A sudden buzz came from my phone that was lying on the coffee table. I reached over and picked it up, seeing a reminder to study. "Study?" Levi asked. "Yeah, I have a psych exam coming up and so feel ready for it, but I still wanna study. That can wait, though." Levi hummed. "Wait, is that your dog?" Levi pointed to the photo of a golden retriever on my phone lockscreen. "Oh yeah, that's my old dog, Zeke. He died a couple years ago," I said. "Aw, that's too bad. He's too cute." Levi responded.

I turned my phone off and set it back on the coffee table. I quietly sighed and spoke, "So. Is there anything in particular you wanna do?" As I spoke, I felt Levi's slender fingers slip into my hair and stroke it as my words filled the previously silent room.

"Hm.. I don't really know. Why don't we just talk. I like talking. To you."

I silently murmured to myself, trying to come up with things for us to talk about. "Well, what kind of events do you have coming up?" I asked him. "Well in March we have a couple big concerts. I wouldn't really call it a tour, but it's all in Trost and around it." He said. "Maybe I can come to some of them." Levi chuckled, but it was more like a hum than a chuckle. "I'm scared it's gonna just completely drain my energy. I know it's for sure gonna strain my voice." I thought for a second after he spoke. "Have you ever like gotten sick from using your voice too much?" I asked. "I've gotten laryngitis like once or twice. It sucks," He responded.

Levi's POV

It was euphoric, being with Eren like this. Just sitting here talking while I ran my fingers through his hair. And his hair was soft.

The curtains that lay on either side of the single window in Eren's living room lightly swayed with the slight breeze blowing through the cracked window. I felt the soft breeze brush across my face as I began to speak again. "What kind of stuff do you have going on?" I asked Eren. "Not much, besides that exam. I love working at the cafe, though. The atmosphere there is just so warm and homey. The only bad experiences I've had is when the cranky people come in in the morning. They're like caffeine-deprived zombies." He responded, his voice sounding the tiniest bit sleepy. "I am planning on visiting my parents soon. They live near Rose Wall Park, so not too far."

Eren and I talked away the afternoon until we both realized how hungry we were. Eren told me about some place nearby we should go.

We left, went in his car, and got to the place and ate our late lunch. As we ate at one of the tables outside the restaurants, I watched Eren while he observed everything going on around him. After he looked at almost everything around him, he looked back at me. I didn't even realize that I was staring at him until he said, "Stare much?" I noticed that he was mocking something I said to him when we first met. "Oh, eat your food," I joked with him. Never did I think we'd make it to this point and be like this together.

Eren and I finished eating and we left, not exactly knowing what to do next.

After about 15 minutes of trying to come up with an idea of what to do, we found ourselves back at Eren's house, with music playing on his TV and us sitting on the couch like before. The sun was beginning to set, so an orange shine was coming in through the still cracked window. As we sat there, neither of us spoke. We sat there in silence, enjoying each other's presence. We were sitting on the couch in the same position as before, but I had the back of my head against Eren's chest.

I don't know if this is normal for Eren, but he was acting slightly loopy all of a sudden. Since it was getting a little late, I assumed he was just getting tired. Hanji gets all silly like that when she's tired. Or just all the time.

Eren leaned his head down and nuzzled his face into the back of my head. As he did so, he tiredly hummed, "Levi.. c'mere." While he was talking, he started to move as if he were getting up, so I stood up. I had no idea what he was about to do; probably something stupid. I lightly chuckled to myself.

He fully stood up and grabbed my hand, dragging me to the kitchen. He wants to dance. Oh my god.. this boy.

A slow song coincidentally started playing on the TV, and Eren held out his hands, doing a grabbing motion with them. A slight smirk grew on his lips. "You're so-" I began to speak, but was yanked closer to Eren, to the point where my nose was almost touching his neck. "Stupid," I finished, and silently giggled as we entered a slow dance position; my arms around his neck and my head lightly rested on the small space of Eren's chest that was between my arms, and Eren's arms around my waist, his head leaned against mine. We swayed with the music, gently dancing around the kitchen. I recognized the song playing. Old Eden, a favorite of mine.

Eren smelled of light vanilla and cinnamon, a fall-y scent. I could feel the vibration in his chest as he hummed along with the music. I decided to sing along quietly. I then felt Eren shake his head, and I assumed he was smiling.

We stood there a while just slow dancing, until eventually a less slow song came on and Eren started dancing like a complete doofus. He was wearing socks, so he nearly slipped and slammed his head on the counter. He flailed his arms around like a maniac, laughing at himself the entire time. I stood there leaning against the counter, watching as he made a complete fool of himself. He started slipping again, and as he was about to fall, I grabbed his arms and pulled him back up. My hands traveled from his hands, up his arms, and cupped his cheeks. I gently brought his face closer to mine until our lips met.

I never want this to end.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: ugh i'm so annoying i literally say this every single time but i'm so lazy and say i'm gonna write then i get distracted and gjkalsghduign. i love writing but it's difficult. anyways, hope you guys enjoy this chapter! (even though it's kinda short) *don't forget to comment or private message any questions for the character q&a!!*

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