~Chapter 6~

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Fuli was pacing around as she was totally worried about Kion. The past month since they have arrived to The Tree of Life, he wasn't getting any better than they thought he could be. 

Ono was pleased to gain the ability to see again, after being blind for so long after the battle against Scar. 

Anga was flying in patrol as Bunga looks at the cheetah with a curious expression on his face. 

"What's the matter, Fuli? You really aren't yourself today." He said , as Beshte rolls his eyes at the honey-badger, "Little B, that is not helping at all. She is just worried about Kion's condition, that's all. " 

The cheetah said, "Kion is not getting any better at this rate! Every time Makucha and his army comes to attack, he was doubting himself out there as if he wasn't ready to lead the team! I say we should talk to him, to make sure he's all right." 

Ono said, "Yeah, I know that this is strange. But I know that he would be better. It's like what Queen Janna said when i regained my sight back. 

It's better, but not entirely strong as it once was. C'mon, let's go find him." 

The Lion Guard walked to find Kion as the red lion was looking at his reflection in the lake. 

He sighs a bit, as if he was feeling down himself, as Fuli took a deep breath as she and the rest of the Guard approaches the young lion. 

"You done looking at yourself, Kion?" Bunga asks his best friend , as Kion was stunned by the Guard's sudden appearance. 

"You guys. What you doing here? I thought you were on patrol, in case of Makucha and his army would attack again." The lion asks the group. 

The Guard exchanged looks at one other before replying to the young lion. It was Makani who spoke up for the group. 

"We were. But we are dealing with an emergency. You." 

"Me?" Kion repeated. Anga said, "Kion, you're not acting like yourself. Ever since you got bitten by Ushari, your actions are out of control. We're worried about you, Kion." 

The lion was surprised by the group's concern as he looks down in his reflection, "I have to confess. I'm not entirely sure of i should continue being a leader." 

"Is that what been bothering you? Kion, you're a great leader. We been through a lot together. Ever since we were little. You just have to remember what makes you you. " Fuli said. 

Fuli and Anga encouraged the lion to remember the past as he smiles a bit, as he remembers a time when Fuli and the others were little. 

"I remember, when we first met Janja and his hyenas. They were trying to steal a egg from the Pridelands." 

Bunga chuckles, "Yeah, I remember that day. We really shown them not to mess with us, right, Beshte?"

"Poa. Yeah, I remember that too. We did great before Kion ever gotten the Roar." The hippo recalls of the memory as Ono said, "I don't remember any of it." 

The eagle chuckles, "Ono, that egg that Janja and his hyenas tried to steal, that was your egg. You hatched after Kion and the others saved you from them." 

Ono was amazed of hearing of his hatching. "Wow. I never get to chance of saying thank you for saving me back then. " 

The group was in deep silence, as Fuli walks up to him, "Kion, we came together as friends . You can't doubt yourself if you think you're not a good leader as you thought you are." 

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